We have great sex imo. Both of us agree it’s the best either of us have had. But we live with her 3 kids all under the age of 7. We both work full time. Come home. Entertain the kids. Feed the kids. Bathe the kids. Put the kids to bed. Shower. Get ready for bed. And by that time I have 0 energy or desire for sex plus if I don’t go to bed early I have a really really hard time at work. But my GF is almost always in the mood even with everything going on. It’s probably just harder for me because I went from having 0 kids to 3 kids and a relationship in a matter of about 4 months. So maybe I’m just not as resilient to the stress as she is? I have mentioned that this is the reason I’m often not in the mood. It’s not that I don’t enjoy our sex or want to have more but I physically can’t bring myself to do it while we have the kids in our care. (They spend 3 nights with their dad during the week) and normally we have all the sex during that time. But when the kids are in our care, I don’t even want to think about it. I’m fine with our sex life but I know she wants more and I imagine there must be something I could do because there are plenty of full time parents who must have to navigate this.. How do full time parents deal with this? Are there any parental hacks to maintaining libido while raising kids?

1 comment
  1. Are you willing to give her any attention without necessarily receiving any yourself?

    Personally, I can easily get in the mood to give oral or fingers pretty much on command. Eliminating the need to think about getting hard and performing in that sense takes a lot of the pressure off.

    Hands, mouth, toys, all viable options! Or even mutual masturbation is a good one too.

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