Have you heard that saying that you are the top 5 people that you surround yourself with?

I am looking to improve my current network and do daily updates to make that happen. If anyone is interested, please let me know. It could even be a group of people to watch me progress.

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  1. Before you get all focused on ‘growing the network,’ do you have the SKILLS in place to make that something you can do?

  2. There is also a saying called “tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you will become.”

    I would gladly be open to watch your progress, although I personally do not have much time due to work. During my therapy sessions there is one thing most of them lack in their lives, encouragement. That can work a long way, many of us need that tiny little push.

    I would personally recommend you to hang out with people you want to become. Some of my acquaintances who study psychology and do counseling, have noticed that patients respond significantly better when the doctor/therapist had a similar issue as them that they fixed. Having friends that represent the embodiment of success will always give you the physical proof that such a life can be obtained, which in return creates will and motivation.

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