Had two deliveries today. The DPD guy needed me to buzz him into the building, but the Royal Mail postie – as he always does – let himself in (I know he didn’t get anyone to buzz him in, because my window is open and I can hear it)

Do they memorise the passcodes to unlock doors along their route, or does he have one of the key fobs like us residents do?

  1. Places I’ve seen have a “deliveries” button which opens the door during certain hours.

    Don’t you have this?

  2. He could have a drop key that will unlock the door if it has a panel, most blocks of flats do

  3. Postmen have secret keys issued by the government that can open any door in the UK

  4. Either we have a code, or obtain a fob from the council/housing association usually.

    Or the intercom has a “trades” button that opens the door between like 9am and 3pm.

    Or we use our top secret abilities learned during training (the real reason we need to wear shorts… )

  5. When I was a paperboy over 20 years ago I remember blocks of flats and gated communities having a deliveries button (often labelled “trades”) at the gate or door so that I could enter and post to the correct flats. Don’t know if it still works like that though.

  6. They have universal keys usually. Works on most buildings and gates. And will be fined a fortune if they ever lose then.

  7. The regular posties certainly know our door code. We might be the only coded door on the route as the general area is houses. Almost every delivery driver knows it as well.

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