I’m an 18 year old female, who’s had a few sexual partners in my life. Whenever I have sex with guys, whether it was with a boyfriend or a hookup, I’ve never had an orgasm from it. Sometimes it feels painful, sometimes pleasurable – but never enough to cum.

I’ve been with two women, however, and they made me cum very easily.

I feel so confused because I feel like I am attracted to men, but they just don’t make me cum?

  1. You’re young. Guys your age are still figuring things out, whereas girls your age come with the same set of equipment and have a better idea of what feels good on them, which probably works better for you.

    If you’re into guys conceptually, and they can still turn you on, you’re definitely not just a lesbian. It just means you haven’t really found a guy who knows what he’s doing yet.

    If there’s a next time you’re with a guy, try and remember what the girls you have been with did, and try and guide them through the same things.

    Additionally, MANY women cannot cum from penetration alone. If that’s you, that’s very very normal.

  2. I think you’re trying to assign a polarized label to yourself based on entirely the wrong reasons/conclusions.

    The physical ability/inability to cum with a particular gender MAY not have anything to do with your sexual preferences. For example, many women are dissatisfied with their mans performance in bed, typically for not lasting long enough and rolling over to sleep once they have cum.

    I say MAY not, because you may in fact be a lesbian. What you didn’t describe, and what makes all the difference, is how you feel with each gender, and which one (or both) turns you on mentally as well as physically. If they both do, then maybe Bi-sexual is a better label for you. But really, labels are a slippery slope and I personally don’t like them.

  3. You’ve just been with men who aren’t very good at putting your orgasm first

  4. Are you communicating neither your male partners?

    Women have a better idea of where to start to get you ther as they have the same anatomy and like similar things.

    Men might need a little help.

  5. By that standard, there’s a LOT of lesbians out there.

    The real question is, do you enjoy sexual experiences with men?

  6. If you’re attracted to guys, I doubt you’re a lesbian. Youre 18. The guys you’re with are probably around that age. Teenagers are notoriously bad at sex, since it is a skill that you get better at over time.

    You’re lucky to know that you’re not anorgasmic, you can getoff, so just keep at it and most importantly be communicative with your partners. Tell them what’s working for you, tell them what’s not, tell them if they change their rhythm or angle when youre getting close you’ll chop their balls off 😉. And don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You have 60-80 years of pleasure infront of you. They’ll come.

  7. Whether or not you cum with a certain gender doesn’t determine your sexuality. If you crave sex with both genders, you’re bisexual. You just haven’t had luck with the men unfortunately.

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