Hi Guys so recently I have been thinking. I am in relationship with the LOML and we have been having sex for 9 months now without a condom. We haven’t even tried onec using a condom because we both love it raw and we have sex like 5 times a week on average we both are 29 and engaged but are scared of having a child as we aren’t financially or mentally ready for it. Well my pull out game is strong hence it never came to a point of going towards plan B. But going through this sub today got me thinking about using contraceptives but the problem is we won’t enjoy sex the way we do now. I am confused on what to do 🙁

  1. Why aren’t hormonal BC types an option? Like the pill, implant, IUD, etc

  2. Sex with a condom is way better than sex with a baby in the next room waking you up every two hours. 😉

    But seriously I can totally understand that feeling… if she doesn’t want to use hormonal birth control maybe look into a non hormonal IUD.

  3. 100% pull out game is possible 🙋🏻‍♂️ (29 years) but it is still a roll of the dice 🤠😬

  4. Vasectomy, hormones, IUD, tying tubes… There’s many contraceptive options you two can explore.

  5. Do you want unwanted pregnancy? Doing raw won’t bring you pleasure and peace. Be a responsible man!

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