How often do you stalk your partner/crush/ex’s social medias pages?

  1. Whenever I get curious but it’s a habit I need to kick all together, not healthy

  2. Ugh, checking their social media requires me logging into mine. So, like once or twice with a new person to see if they are a raging bigot (or at least stupid enough to post it publicly) and that’s it. I would not describe that as stalking though; that is basic scoping out of a new date to minimize odds of me ending up as a well-lotioned skin suit.

  3. I only happened to today because his new girlfriend popped up in my “people you may know”. (I only knew it was her because he’s in her profile picture) We don’t even have any mutual friends. I clicked because I’m nosy, the caption on her picture said “almost a year with the love of my life”. We didn’t even break up a year ago lmao and that’s why I avoid any kind of stalking.

  4. One of my exes blocked me, so never. I’m still in contact with the others but don’t really stalk their social media often. One even deleted all his.

  5. Never. I don’t even remember her name. I know she’s married with a guy he used to be friends with too, and we know they share a girlfriend in that marriage since they went on the news about it years ago. We saw the footage and he pointed out she’s his ex. Guess he really has a type with us bi women. :-p

  6. The only ex I ever wanted to stalk has been in a relationship for probably a couple years now and might be to the point of marriage (?) and that’s heart break I can’t put up with so I never do it anymore LOL. He was “the one that got away” for me so..

  7. I don’t know if it would count as stalking? I can be on Snapchat or Instagram and I’ll see he posted a story, I’ll watch it and that’s it. Almost a month ago I decided to try and talk to him… sadly he responded once then left me on read. Now those butterflies are dead and I stopped watching his stories.

  8. An ex fling, a handful of times early in our relationship. I had a very off feeling about her. After that, I told him that all past women of any non-platonic relation didn’t need to continue. I have always held this standard myself. I felt pushy but I have my boundaries.

    Anyways, the woman seemed lonely so I hope she has found someone for her.

  9. I don’t follow my partner/fiance’s IG, exes are also fairly inactive (and I wouldn’t go out of my way to go to their page).

    So basically never.

  10. Never. I have zero interest in any of my exes. In fact, they all gross me out.

  11. I used to check his Instagram so often until he made his account private 😂 thanks to him I guess I could move on easier now🤣

  12. it’s hard to stalk someone’s page when they don’t have that much on their profile to stalk haha

  13. When I’m with someone, partner is fairly often (if we’re not living together). I also go through pictures and mementos often.

    Crush is not often, if at all.

    Ex is never. I did when I was in college. I see no point now.

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