Alright, so there’s this girl that had usually sat across from me during lunch. But for some reason she started sitting close to me (like right on my left). I’m not sure if she’s interested in me but she seems shy because I don’t really see her with any other people. Also our lunch area isn’t like a typical lunch area. Imagine like a hallway, but there’s like chairs and small couches and such. I sit on a regular chair and she chooses to sit on the ground next to me. I honestly just want to know more about her because she seems interesting

  1. Say hello. If she chooses to sit near you she’s probably waiting for you to make the first move.

  2. She already made the first moves, just be confident and ask her out. You got this!

  3. The first part is the getting to know you stage. Introduce yourself and ask if she’d like to sit on the couch with you. If she says yes thats a big plus. If she says no then you also have your answer.

    Next is just asking questions and finding topics that interest you about them. This might be awkward at first but thats also ok. If you cant think of something to ask them about themself you can ask what they think of something you’re super into.

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