I recently told a man that I no longer wanted to get to know him. We had been out only two times and I decided that he just wasn’t for me. I let him down as gently as possible. His response was to call me “Wrinkly and then continue by telling me that I was boring because I quote too much scripture in my conversation.” Neither bothered me as I am a 56 year-old woman who raised four kids on her own, whose faith is important to her. Amazing how our security in ourselves grows over time. But at 25 years-old, his comments might have bothered me. We live in such a harsh environment when it comes to aging women. It got me to thinking and compelled me to ask other women over fifty perferably…what are some of the worst comments a man said to you upon your rejecting him? I may include them in an article that I may write. Thanks for your help.

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