Long story short – I am a guy, she is a girl. Originally we went on a few dates when we first met. She told me she doesn’t believe in dating and wanted to be friends first. This would be her first relationship.

So we’ve been friends now for like 6 months, and recently we’ve been flirting more and its clear she is pretty comfortable around me and really likes me.

I guess I feel like I’m at a point where I feel I can’t hold my feelings back any longer, she already knows how I feel pretty much we just haven’t done anything about it.

Next time we go out, if the moment is right… is asking if I can kiss her okay? It would be her first kiss and I feel pretty confident. But at the same time, we are… friends. So any advice?

  1. You will receive tons of polarizing advice on this. Do what you think feels most natural. It sounds to me like you actually love this person and want to make sure you respect their boundaries. If I were in her shoes I’d rather you ask me if it’s okay instead of force something on me that I might not want yet.

  2. Asking her if it’s okay if you kiss her would be good. Reason I say this is it’s about consent. As you said this would be her first relationship so right now she’s just trying to decide on what she wants.

    How old are the both of you? I ask this because if she’s young she might not be totally ready for a romantic bf/gf type of relationship. So she might be staying friends because she doesn’t want it to become sexual or have the pressure involved with that.

    Also you said she knows how you feel about her, so don’t push it, be gentle with her and listen. Let her lead the path on where’s this is leading to. You want her as a girlfriend, let her figure it out if she wants you as her first boyfriend.

  3. Good luck, I went through this for 7 months. Please report back. Didn’t end well for me.

  4. Don’t overcomplicate it. If there’s a moment that presents itself and she’s giving you good signals then go for it

  5. I think being friends is good in the beginning.
    If you stay in the friend zone too long I think it’s hard to get out if it.

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