My (M) girlfriend (F), saw a video of a woman waxing her husband’s asshole and became obsessed with it, she want to do it to me but I feel a bit weird about it.
Body hair was always a part of my masculinity, I trim most of my body parts, but I keep some body hair because it makes me feel masculine, maybe that’s why I feel a bit weird about it.
I do want to make my gf happy though.

So, men who have never had their ass waxed, would you do it if your partner wanted it?
And men who have done it, what’s the experience like? How did it feel physically and mentally?

  1. I’ve used hair removal on the butt before, buddy you’ll save a small fortune on toilet paper.
    I’d let her do it but maybe get her to practice somewhere less sensitive first.

  2. I’m a woman and I was always taught to remove my body hair as a standard in society. It took me years to be able to make decisions about my own body hair. I don’t let anyone to make comments on my body hair let alone ask me to remove it. If you don’t feel comfortable doing it, for whatever reasons, you don’t have to do it and she shouldn’t be pressuring you into it.

  3. Nah. I’d respect her interest, but it’s not happening. Nothing to do with perceived masculinity or anything. I’m just not a fan of ripping hair out violently in sensitive areas 😂

  4. How does it feel?

    Like someone is ripping all your hair out from a sensitive part of your body. Does not feel intimate. Just painful.

    But then a day later it feels great. Been doing it for like 7 years now. I’m never going back to a hairy asshole again (or pits, or dick)

  5. Knowing that if I didn’t, my spouse wouldn’t force it, I would be open to it if she enjoyed it. Not much I wouldn’t try at least once.

    I keep that area trimmed, but waxing would be a new experience.

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