My ex and I broke up in 2017. Almost 6 years ago. Since then I have moved on and have a great boyfriend, and he moved on and now has a wife. I don’t hold any resentment or feelings for him.

Last August I received a LinkedIn message from him asking how I am and I replied things were good and asked the same back. He messaged me back and brought up the reason we broke up. I stopped responding and we haven’t talked since.

Fast forward to today, 9 months later…I wake up to a message sent to me on messenger by his wife at 4:15am saying “don’t you ever talk to my husband again” and it looks like she blocked me.

Listen, I know I shouldn’t let it bother me but it has been driving me crazy all day because why did she send me that?! I have truly genuinely no desires towards my ex and we do not talk. I guess I wish I could take up for myself though I don’t have any reason to. Does that make any sense? Should I just do my best to let it go or should I message him to set the record straight?

TLDR; My ex’s now wife sent me a nasty-gram telling me I am not to talk to her man and….well, I haven’t been and don’t have any desire to. But, I’m letting the reason behind the message drive me crazy. I feel a little hurt that I have been accused of something and can’t take up for myself. Should I message him to set the record straight?

  1. She’s obviously accusing any girl of something that didn’t happen, he’s in a toxic relationship where she doesn’t allow girl friends at all so gotta show who the boss is by sending them random ass messages, don’t let it bother you lol I doubt you’re being singled out

  2. No, don’t contact her. She is either extremely toxic and awful or he treated her so badly she’s lashing out at anyone connected to him. Either way, not your circus, not your monkeys. Be grateful you have no part in any of this.

  3. It’s likely he was caught messaging another woman and claimed it was you. Best to simply wish good riddance to bad rubbish and leave it be.

  4. It would be eating at me to respond somehow too! Just keep bopping along with your good life and ignore the crazies.

  5. I would bet he’s cheating with someone else and either she has this person confused with you or she’s also stumbled on your prior exchange with him and includes you in the group of people he’s cheated with.

  6. Wow, good thing you broke up with him. If he puts up with a spouse like that there’s got to be a lot wrong with him.

    I know this isn’t so easy, but let it go. Those pigs are happy in their own shit! You do not need to be near it.

  7. Honestly, it probably doesn’t matter why she messaged you. You aren’t the one who initiated that conversation. Her husband is the only one that owes her loyalty or any kind of explanation. Anything, really.

    Whatever they have going on is their problem. If she has an issue with him speaking to you, she can take it up with him. I wouldn’t even bother getting involved. Just keep living your life happily.

  8. We know two things…her message was not about you…there is trouble in paradise.

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