Whats something that girls don’t know boys do?

  1. The tendency to massively over think the smallest of situations for absolutely no reason. Then to proceed to do the exact opposite for large situations.

  2. Nice try. But I’ll give you a hint. Watch what we do with our forks the next time at dinner.

  3. Quite literally walk it off. Some shit will happen and I’ll be like idgaf and laugh and move on. The ability to choose what I care to let affect me is cool.

  4. So a while ago, there was a question on the sub that asked us how many of us also get “daydream/visions” of us saving people like from a burning building and like being a hero in general…yeah…a lot of us do 😂 I guess that’s the protector instincts or coding of men in action. That’s probably something you’d only understand if you’re a guy.

  5. Our ability to truly not care about something. Or to say something and mean literally nothing by it.

    It’s a very free feeling.

  6. Actually think about important shit. We aren’t always just thinking about tits and ass

  7. I mean theres all those secret meetings we all attend to discuss how to prolong the patriarchy and get more women to….

    Oh shit… Im not allowed next meeting am i?

  8. I eat at Chipotle all the time without my wife. She’ll fucking kill me if she finds out.

  9. When we look concerned, it’s because we’re thinking about how to fix something.

  10. Random helicopter or side-to-side penis slaps sometimes after showering.

  11. When we watch an action or super hero movie we are convinced we could do the same stuff the hero of the movie does. Kill 67 trained assassins to avenge my dog? Check. Hop in a billion dollar iron man suit and save the world? Check. Fly around and save the day while also having the moral character not to use the c-ray vision to peep on all the ladies? Check. We just assume that we could also be as awesome as our hero’s on the screen.

  12. If our ballsack is for some reason itchy, we kinda like pinch & twist it, not scratch.

  13. We are not looking at you, we are staring into oblivion and factory reset our brain….that or we wonder about the dumbest shit, like, if I encountered a shark while swimming, how would I make sure he fucks off.

  14. Girl: “what are you thinking of”

    Me: Nothing.

    I literally mean nothing

  15. We actually need to do “man spreading” since we have a delicate ball sack we cannot afford to squeeze.

  16. If u wake us up and we tend to stay longer in bed without putting sheets away, its bcuz we got the morning boner

  17. I am straight, but I do find some men attractive, and often give polite compliments to their look.

  18. We can literally have an empty thought. When you ask – what we’re you thinking about.

    When we tell you nothing – it’s literally nothing. Just blank.

  19. If we have to go to the restroom for number 2, we don’t stand for number 1 then sit for number 2. Both will be accomplished sitting down.

  20. They don’t seem to know that we pay about ten to fifteen for a haircut and that most of us pull our pants all the way down to the floor when we sit on the toilet (they usually keep them at the knees).

    These two facts almost always produce a stunned reaction

  21. When I grab your present and say “thanks.” I really am overjoyed to receive this gift, I just express it differently.

  22. Math teacher: explaining stuff for the final exam.

    Me: thinking about how I’d totally save everyone if there was a school shooting.

  23. The more independent you are, the less you want to live with.

    As a kid I would ask my parents for way too much but as an adult (21), give me a tv, a couch that’d turn to a bed, a kitchenette, a bathroom with a sink, shower and commode, a window for light to come through, couple pots and pans, one plate, one bowl, one mug, one glass, a microwave, mini fridge, honestly maybe a couple things but I’m set to spend the rest of my life just there pretty much. Barely need to clean since its basically two rooms, dream house ngl.

  24. When she says something so incredibly convoluted and confusing, my forehead gets all wrinkled up. She sees this and thinks I’m angry, causing her to get angry. It’s not anger. It’s complete confusion. She forgets to look at my eyebrows!

  25. When doing high precision manual things, like adjusting a tiny screw in your glasses for example, having the tip of your tongue out is absolutely necessary.

  26. We honestly don’t mean to hurt your feelings with the dumb shit we say

  27. Batman, Superman, Spiderman.

    Growing up we dance between the three and end up choosing one that we are/want to be until our last breath

  28. Came to my attention in last few weeks that almost every boy has tried to suck his own willy

  29. We swordfight our dicks in the locker room but tell women we hate touching each other

  30. If you suddenly ask us to be in a photo with people, we will sometimes fold our arms. That’s because flexing our hands in our arm folds [makes the muscles in the underarms pop, looks cool.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/48/f8/71/48f871578ccf78f82ff146694b862680.png) Boys also spend time in the mirror.

    Boys folding arms for photo is the equivalent of girls drawing their fingers through their hair and tugging their bra up next to the armpit. Which is also cute.

  31. Crave solitude. It gets worse the older you get. There is nothing better than being alone, with our thoughts with no one else there. It doesn’t mean we don’t like you, it doesn’t mean we don’t want you around. It just means that after constant interaction we NEED to get away. It’s why men fish, hunt, take 50 min shits, etc.

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