Ladies, at what age did you realize you were beautiful without any external validation?

  1. For me, it’s been happening ever since I hit my mid-twenties. My facial features in particular look like they’ve become proportional. My inner teenager is still pleasantly surprised when she sees her adult reflection

  2. 16. Started hitting the gym (for health reasons) and never looked back. Gave me such confidence because I know how strong and capable my body is that I don’t really care about how I look.

  3. Yeah I’m not beautiful, so that’s just not going to happen with or without validation.

  4. 25 yo. Something about hitting the quarter-life crisis and being able to look into the mirror to see a woman in her (almost) prime age. Peak collagen, good fitness/health level, the works. Oh and being able to afford good skincare and things that enhances my look. Such a good feeling.

  5. Mid-twenties. I wasn’t a cute kid, so it took some time for me to realize that I actually enjoy the way I look.

  6. Around 30, which, not unrelatedly, was when external validation stopped being a thing I gave a shit about. Ran out of fucks to give, never restocked.

  7. About 28 when I had my protruding teeth fixed and then spent my 30s turning heads of most guys. But that was when I looked at myself and thought: you’re one HOT woman.

  8. I’m turning 38 in a month and I’m still not there. I look like a sack of potatoes. But that doesn’t really matter, bc I know I’m a nice person and my friends seem to like me, so 🤷🏻‍♀️

  9. I’m not completely there, but there’s been a huge improvement in the past… 3 years or so. I’m 33.

  10. I would say 25. That’s also the age I started feeling like a grown-up woman

  11. In my mid 30s and i still never thought im beautiful haha.

    But right now, it doesnt matter to me that im not. I think thats the difference between now and when i was in my 20s

  12. 18. I went to college and realized even the most beautiful girls I knew struggled with not feeling beautiful. I also made an effort to remind myself that someone else’s beauty doesn’t detract from my own beauty.

  13. 25 I started complimenting myself everyday, and just overall being nicer to myself. Now I have more good days then bad days.

  14. When I finally had to look myself in the eye after shaving my head bald for chemo. My hair is what I thought made me beautiful, one of the things. I looked at myself in the eye and I realized I was beautiful just as a soul.

  15. I would say I came into my own in my 30’s. My 20’s were spent as a “pick me” girl – so cringe!

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