Hello, I wonder if anyone with clinical depression has dealt with sad thoughts during sex that prevents the enjoyment that should naturally come with you dear partner.

My younger sibling was severely injured in a life alternating way which has also put me in a downward spiral mentally. If I have sex with my partner I tend to have lot of intrusive thoughts such as feeling sad knowing that I’m connecting with someone like this intimately while my sibling wont be able to. It may sound silly but I just cant help it and as a result my sex life has taken a massive blow, no pun intended

I’d be glad to hear any tips how to overcome this, although the answer probably lies in therapy. Still if you have anything to share that have helped you, feel free to do so.

  1. So first and foremost I’m so sorry about your sibling. That’s really hard. I have three sisters who are my best friends, so I can’t imagine. That’s really heartbreaking and I hope you’ll be able to find some peace soon.

    Do you have ADD by chance?

    Intrusive thoughts and the inability to focus during sex can definitely be a sign of ADD. The intrusive thoughts are often times a sign of OCD (which isn’t just about cleanliness). Certain attributes of OCD and ADD go hand in hand. If you’re seeing a doctor for your depression I would discuss this with them. There are medications to help with that.

    In the meantime, somethings that can help. So THC is great for refocusing yourself into sex but not for everybody. I actually have a post on my profile about how to stay focus in sex with ADD because I was struggling a bit and was curious what others do if you want to check that out. Even if you don’t have ADD those tips may be helpful.

    I mean you’re going to get told to go to therapy, it probably isn’t a bad idea. Here is the thing too. You don’t have to go constantly or anything. It’s not a contract or shouldn’t be. You could go once and it be enough to talk through it. Maybe twice. I have a therapist and I see her during crisis and that’s it. So just something to think about. Never bad to have a good therapist in your contacts when you have clinical depression with intrusive thoughts. 😘

  2. Yeah it definitely happens. I like rough sex because it gets me out of my head more.

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