I don’t know what is going on with my friend’s phone, everytime my friends and I call him with known number or private it goes to straight to voicemail, and iMessage are being delivered.

I can confirm he isn’t getting my text (SMS) since my friend texted him and he replied “no I am not, I really want to get together.” with a bunch of sad crying emojis.

I texted him on TikTok with no response, he saw a video of mine but didn’t see the message since it still says delivered and not seen.

If I can’t reach him and my friend still hasn’t gotten a response back from last week since it says delivered, what can I do to keep this friendship going? It’s not the friendship, but his phone. I tried emailing and messaging on TikTok but don’t know if he sees those notifications when visiting TikTok, he does view my videos I post. Going to his house is out of question.

Another friend of his said to me that he missed his phone up after trying to block unwanted callers and texts.

  1. This is just my opinion based on what I read, but it just sounds like he doesn’t want to be your friend or at least he doesn’t want to talk to you in that moment or whatever moment(s).

    It doesn’t sound like he is trying to reach out to you at all. Instead, he is only reacting or replying when someone else reaches out to him for you when you can’t get to him yourself.

    I don’t think it’s his phone. It’s him that is practically ignoring you (in my opinion). He sees your videos, so it’s not like he forgot you enough where he doesn’t think about reaching out to you himself. If he truly is your friend, he would check up on you himself instead of waiting for a friend of yours or a friend of his to inform you of him when you ask.

    Devil’s advocate time:

    His friend could be telling you the truth that his phone may be messed up because of whatever he did with unwanted callers. Whoever said you aren’t an unwanted caller?

    Edited: Clarity edit

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