I want to surprise my semi long-distance boyfriend with some pampering the next time I go over. He’s the quarterback of a football team so his body aches overall, and he works Monday-Saturday 10 hour shifts. And he side hustles after work. This man is insane, I know. I just want to show him that I appreciate him and love him. Also I just need him to relax. Lol

I’m thinking a full body massage, making him dinner, and doing his dishes is a good start. Idk what would you want?

  1. Sounds pretty good to me, to be honest. Especially the massage part. Always love that, especially when my muscles are sore which is often. You’ve pretty much nailed it.
    – a random, average man who would appreciate and enjoy all the things you said.

  2. Cookies. Or a plate of wings. But you can rarely go wrong with confections.

  3. Start his day with his favorite breakfast, or whatever he’s craving at the time. Then, do all those things you said. I’d definitely feel loved and appreciated if I had a girlfriend that did that for me.

  4. The other guy already said blowjobs, so I’ll extend this to all forms of physical affection. Holding my arm when we walk, rubbing my back for no reason, scalp massage, hand rubbing leg… whatevs. Just loving, clingy things when we’re out in public.

  5. I wouldn’t over think it. Just show him how much he means to you through genuine love and affection 🫶

  6. Head massage,cook tasty food for him.
    Others are commenting bl0wj*b…..also try it!!!!

  7. Men don’t really care about being pampered, just be a considerate partner. Giving him a massage is a great idea given his body ache.

  8. *”How would you like to be pampered by your girlfriend?”*

    Ask him yourself. Each man is going to want different things.

    *” I want to surprise my semi long-distance boyfriend with some pampering the next time I go over.”*

    Ask him yourself.

    *”He’s the quarterback of a football team so his body aches overall, and he works Monday-Saturday 10 hour shifts. And he side hustles after work.”*

    *”I’m thinking a full body massage, making him dinner, and doing his dishes”*

    You’ve already answered your own question.

  9. Guys don’t enjoy been pampered like most girls do.

    I full day of peace and quiet is what most of us want.

  10. Before we had kids, my absolute fave day was:

    Lunch, afternoon sex, nap for an hour or so.

    Wake up, shower, off to watch a movie (or an escape room), followed by dinner (talk about movie or escape room), then a few drinks in town.

    Maybe drunken sex if in the mood.

  11. my gf got me the new zelda game and I never asked for it, that was pretty nice 🙂

  12. Pampering is not required. He knows what he is doing. Be supportive. That’s all he needs.

  13. Quiet, a blowjob, more quiet, some food I like. Not expecting anything of me that day. If you do the dishes, wait till I am awake so the clinking doesn’t wake me up.

    Guys don’t generally like pampering as much as women do, but having a quiet day where the wife isn’t trying to hand me assignments and the kid isn’t bothering me is great. Plus, honestly, blowjobs are great.

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