I’m due to start training to become a clinical coder next month after being put on reserve a few months ago while they asked for more funding to give me a position. I received an email asking about my availability for a course and the two people who had beat me to the existing positions and had already started were listed in the email.

I looked them both up on linked in to see if they had posted anything about the job and jusy see who they were, bad move I know.

One of them has since liked one of my posts and requested to connect. Is it likely she’s jusy being friendly?, is it weird that I looked? Will this make me wildly unpopular when i stary my job?

  1. Nah you’ll be fine. Happens all the time with people being curious as to who they’ll be working with. My old director did it to the team before it was announced he’d got the job. Pretty standard really

  2. Pretty normal, friendly behaviour. Would be weird if you ignored their connection request, though.

  3. I wouldn’t be too worried. i feel like it shows you’re serious about the job and want to know who you’re working with. i think it’s a common thing people do (expected)

    Edit: in the future, if you do want to snoop on someone without them knowing, just edit your linkedin settings to change visibility to Private Mode. on a free account this means you also won’t be able to see who’s looking at your profile while you have the setting on. then change the setting back after a week or so (i’m not sure that it retroactively shows profile views if you change the setting back right away (never seen it do that), so i always wait a while just to be safe)

  4. Zero issues with looking up future, former, or current colleagues on LinkedIn. Only time it becomes a problem is if you are doing it daily, obsessing about something. Once or twice in a short period isn’t anything. This colleague likely just noticed and is being friendly to the new guy coming in, they might have even done the exact same thing as you and not even noticed you viewed their profile. So don’t overthink it.

  5. This might be a dumb question but how’d you get caught though? What gave it away to them that you looked them up?

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