A lot of people are advocating that there’s only one way to “properly socialize” with people. Which isn’t true. I remember being criticized on this sub. for my alternative way of socializing (which works for me). Looking at other posts and I’m seeing much the same thing.

There’s more than one way to socialize and I see much more criticism on this sub. of people’s character if their way of socializing isn’t identical to somebody else’s.

I also see a lot of ableism, which is unfortunate as I feel like this sub. should be a safe place for people who may struggle with things such as Autism or social anxiety, not one where they are criticized and chastized. It also makes me wonder why these types of people, who’s only aim seems to be to criticize how other people socialize, even frequent this sub. at all.

  1. I’m criticizing you. You do understand that all criticism can be classified as good or bad right? Constructive criticism…hateful criticism…you are posting on a social media site…this entire purpose is for criticism.

  2. I’m on here nearly every day and I have no idea what this one way to “properly socialize” is.

    There’s more effective and less effective, but I don’t know what you mean by “proper.” What is the “improper way” which works for you?

  3. Keep in mind a lot of the people that are active on this sub are probably people with underdeveloped social skills themselves, so take the answers with a grain of salt.

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