I’ve never had a boyfriend before. I’ve only ever gone on one date three years ago, and I wasn’t into the guy like that. I’ve never had my first kiss, and I’m still a virgin. The reason why I’m so inexperienced at my age is because I went to an all girls high school, and I’m a very shy person in general. I’m not ashamed for the lack of experience; I’ve been waiting for the right person.

This new guy is amazing. He’s kind, smart, handsome. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a man. In high school, he had a girlfriend. They dated from eighth grade up to the first year of university. They did all of the stereotypical high school stuff; went to dances together, etc. He’s definitely not a virgin. If he is, I’d be very surprised. But if they dated for that long, it’s safe to assume that he’s not. They broke up two years ago. She came out as lesbian, and immediately pursued things with another girl.

I’m kind of embarrassed to tell him about my lack of experience. Especially since he’s been in such a long relationship before. Most people our age haven’t been in a relationship for that long. It’s good that he has experience, so he can teach me, but I’m worried that he’s going to think that I’m immature, and that certain things won’t be as exciting for him. When it comes to kissing and sex, I’m going to be like a giddy sixteen year old and be so overly excited. For birthdays, anniversaries, etc., I’m worried that he won’t be as excited. After all, he’s done all of these things before, so why would he be?

  1. don’t overthink it that much, if he loves you he will be happy to teach you and just because he has been in a relationship doesn’t mean he knows it all, you can still make new experiences together

  2. I just give you one piece of advice, life isn’t a race, you won’t win anything by being first at something.

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