Hi all, lately I’ve been having issues with my graduate program. I feel incredibly left out, not only that but I get talked about a lot being my back (esp by the girls). It’s so weird because I don’t have an issue with anyone. There’s this girl who constantly makes me feel horrible. She works for the program and decided to have hangouts without me, talks about me behind my back, most people have told me that she’s insanely envious. She laughs at me when I’m presenting, scoffs, rolls eyes, makes snarky comments to the point where the professors have noticed. At this point I’m fed up because she has gotten almost everyone in our program to look at me differently. I guess this is where it gets tricky because I do not want to present myself as a victim but she used to tell me how insecure she is in general about herself and found me intimidating when she first saw me. I would consider myself to be good looking, I go to the gym daily and take care of myself, have a good looking fiancé. I guess this girl finds that as a threat? I’m not sure but why are girls such haters? I don’t bother anyone, I do my work and I’m very considerate of others feelings. I left our campus in tears more this semester than actually learning. It’s interesting because another girl who’s insanely gorgeous, works out, super smart also made complaints that she had issues with this chick. They hatched it out but with me she doesn’t want to talk it out, she just dislikes my existence and I guess I despise her too at this point. I acknowledge “pretty privilege” is a thing, on the other hand it can also be used against you by individuals who are insanely insecure and i’m tried of it. Does anyone have experience remotely similar?

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