Ever since I’ve been sexually active, I’ve been getting UTIs about once a month. I don’t know wtf I’m doing wrong and I’ve talked to my OB about this.

I always pee after sex. I always wash myself before AND after sex (my boyfriend does too). I am not on any birth control (I thought this may have been contributing). I change my (cotton) underwear everyday. I do not wear thongs or tight clothing. I only shower, do not take baths. I try to drink one gallon of water each day.

Usually I get the burning-feeling-need-to-pee-every-moment feeling, but yesterday and today, my morning pee smelled like UTI, but no other symptoms… Weird. I don’t want to wait long enough to see if it “evolves” into something more, but I also don’t know how much it’s hurting my body long-term to be taking macrobid or bactrim every month.

  1. Start taking a daily probiotic.

    Helps ALOT with vaginal health.

    i suggest the brand “garden of life” they have probiotics for women, theyre very good.

  2. If I were you, I would go back to the doctor and ask these questions. Don’t let them just send you home with another prescription. Ask why you’re having this many and if they can send you to a urologist, if they can’t answer the first question,

    One other thought, but are you washing with unscented soap? That could contribute, but I wouldn’t think to this extent.

  3. I have the same problem, and my UTIs are *bad.* Like, I pee straight blood. I had to see a specialist and basically the solution for me was to take one bactrim pill whenever I have sex as a preventative measure. So now I always have a full bottle on hand….

    They also sell some OTC stuff now that helps ward off infection in between the time you start to feel symptoms and have to go to the doc/urgent care.

  4. Ah! I had this issue. Turns out I was getting mild BV when I had sex and I guess my urethra is closer to my vaginal opening compared to some other people, so it was causing UTIs. I started taking an antibiotic after sex and that helped me. Also I eventually stopped getting utis after some time (I think my bacteria eventually just righted itself with my long term partner) so I stopped taking the antibiotic every time. A huge thing I noticed – I wouldn’t get UTI systems when I was super wet/turned on. I think sometimes when I was a little drier, it caused a breeding ground for bad bacteria growth. So maybe lube up or make sure your partner is really getting you going. Also if you’re going at it for a super long time or he’s going really fast, you’ll probably get drier after awhile, so maybe take a break to make sure you stay super wet.

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