Hi guys, I’m a 23 year old woman marrying my amazing fiance in a little less than a year. I have no complaints about him, but we come from completely different upbringings. His family has always struggled with money and he grew up working pretty much his whole life. He’s an amazing man with amazing qualities, but we often have differences in money circumstances. He’s in debt right now and been paying it off, and it’s always freaked me out because my family has never had any issue like that. I’ll be honest, we grew up very fortunate and anything we wanted, we had. So spoiled is pretty much how I’ve been raised. So a lot of our issues come from me struggling to understand his circumstances and worrying about my lifestyle changing completely. I’d say I don’t mind that changing, but more so that my family will be disappointed in me. For instance, my mother always talks horribly about my fiancé for being in debt and not having the same upbringing. Now keep in mind she’s a narcissistic mother and has always been very cruel with me and has insulted me on EVERYTHING I do. Yet hers fears have become mine and I hate that. Now I worry constantly about my fiancé and me being in financial ruin. I feel horrible because he works so hard and never is lazy. It’s an unfortunate situation since he has always worked hard for what he has. I don’t know anyone else in the same boat as me. And I really would love to learn how to manage these issues within our relationship because it’s the only thing we have issues with. Any advice would be very appreciated. I can’t imagine marrying anyone else. I have never been treated better and I am NOT an easy person to be with. Thank you!

  1. Yea, your probably gonna have to choose sides On this one. If you keep listening to your mother, it’s just going to get worse until your resent your husband, unless he has some big break to get on your families “level”.
    If you choose your future husband, you’ll have to distance yourself from your mother and learn to compromise.

  2. My advice is the get book (or audiobook) “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel.

    Read it (or listen to it) together with your future husband.

    Views on money are often emotional and rarely logical.

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