Please bear with me while I expose the significant parts of my life.
I really do need some advice and reassurance and have no one to talk to

I am in my late twenties and work as a live-in carer. This has been my first job ever and I have been doing it for quite awhile now. I needed to find a way to support myself and my immediate family (mom, grandmother and younger brother) from a very young age as my father passed away and my mother has been suffering on and off from a chronic illness which left her with a not so generous budget or work prospects.
This job has been providing me with a well-rounded roulette of benefits, not to mention its emotionally rewarding part which I found to be uplifting in terms of self-esteem and personal capability. I met great people along my journey from whom I have inherited strong values. I have learnt to be courteous, understanding, patient, loving, attentive to someone else’s complex needs, strong, consistent, flcused and stable.

The reverse of the coin is that I have very limited time left for my own self and therefore my dating life is non-existent. I try to explore different life scenaries when on holiday but not much has been happening on my travels.

I am not prepared to leave this lifestyle. I live in a foreign country and I am entirely by my own. I find it difficult to make a major life transition with no one to support me in case of an emergency.
The benefit of not paying for everyday costs is a huge advantage for me as I can flourish on several parts of my life: putting money to the side, helping my family and pursuing my own interests such as buying books, going on holidays, styling myself etc.

Anyway I do find myself getting fits of the blues and longing for a loving and caring partner. Paying attention to others’ needs for so long left me wanting to feel that I too can be listened to, cared for and entertained. I used to throw tantrums when I was a bit younger as I didn’t have anyone in my life to show me interest, but now that I have matured a bit I find that I soothe this feeling and lull myself in some sort of resignation or endless hope that I maintain alive that I will find a man one day.

So I guess the reason why I opened this post was to gain some reassurance that love can happen too for such an isolated person as I.

1 comment
  1. If you constantly work, then love most likely won’t happen to you.

    You’d need to make some changes…which i assume you already know.

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