I had sex with my gf today i didnt came inside her and just ejaculated then i wipe it off using tissue and peed after then after 30-40 mins i went in again is it possible that she’ll be pregnant?

  1. If your penis wasn’t protected, yes.

    You should use protection(birth control and condoms if possible) if you want to avoid pregnancy and be active.

    Otherwise to avoid pregnancy don’t be active.

  2. It’s possible even if you didn’t got for it a second time. Sex is not safe if you don’t use the right protection.

    That said, it’s less likely if you don’t ejaculate inside. Still possible though, so just be more careful.

  3. Are you read for a kid? If not use protection, simple as that really. Even the pull out method can still cause pregnancy

  4. If you feel the need to be asking this question you shouldn’t probably be having sex let alone unprotected sex.

  5. My man, this is going to sound offensive, but those aren’t my intentions: if you’re going to be having sex, you better be doing some learning because it appears you have the sex education of a 2nd grader. In my opinion, you’re not mature enough to be having sex. To answer your question, have your girlfriend take a plan B from the pharmacy. She is probably not pregnant, but at this point the cost is definitely worth it to make 99.9% sure. Use a condom or don’t penetrate her with your penis from now on.

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