Do you believe that if it’s the right person, love will find a way? Why/why not?

  1. It depends on the circumstances. Barring any external factors that would make it impossible to choose to be together, I do think that, “if they wanted to, they would” is generally accurate.

  2. No. I’ve lived enough life to not be this naive. The concept just doesn’t align with reality.

  3. If they’re the “right person”, why isn’t it working? If it’s the right person and the wrong circumstances, they’re not the right person. Some people are in our lives for a reason, some just for a season.

  4. It’s probably true for some people, but only relatively so. Some people sure seem to magigally find each other despite odds being against them. But there’s no relationship that requires zero concious effort. I guess if you enjoy making that effort, it feels effortless.

  5. If it’s the right person, love doesn’t have to find a way. Love is the easy part. Which is why love is also not enough. The right person means y’all communicate, have shared life goals, have good sex, and trust. Being in a relationship takes dedication of the same level from each person. That’s the right person.

  6. No. Love at the end of the day is a want, not a necessity. Love should be easy and if it isn’t it’s infatuation.

  7. Even with the right person you need so much more than love to make things work.

  8. If it’s the instantaneous infatuation that most people tend to mistake as love, then no.

    Real love is developed, grown, sustained, tested and proven over time. It take mutual effort from both parties to make decisions to put the interests of the other person above their own. It requires sacrifice, patience, compromise, and maturity.

    With *that* kind of love, it is possible.

  9. No. I don’t think it’s realistic enough.

    I loved my ex with every fiber of my being but we were at different places in our lives and I don’t believe love solely would have fixed us.

  10. It’s not about love, it’s about timing. If the time is right, yes, if not, it is the one that got away.

  11. I’d like to believe that but life is cruel and chaotic.

    I’ve often felt guided, though, by some kind of otherworldly magic.

  12. No. What is the “right person” anyway. I think there are a lot of “right people”. And I think healthy relationships take a whole lot more than love.

    Easy example: love isn’t going to fix an abusive relationship. Even if one or both individuals are completely sold that they are the right one for each other.

  13. The actual right person will also be compatible for me in terms of location, time, future plans, financially, etcetc..

    I don’t believe there’s “Right person wrong time” wrong time = wrong person. Person whose parents hate me and against the relationship = wrong person. Person who can’t/won’t relocate for me = wrong person.

    So I don’t think it’s necessarily love that finds a way… but finding the right person (and the love you have for each other) will.

  14. If it’s the right person for both people and they’re both willing to put in the effort and sacrifice to make it work, then generally I believe this is true.

  15. I don’t believe in the “right” one. I believe two people find the right timing, the right effort, the right love and the right future goals. That becomes your sort of soul mate. Commitment and work and dedication

  16. Which Nicholas Sparks book is this?

    Lol on a serious note, I have no faith left in this concept of love will find a way. I believe the universe is listening. So whatever you truly wish for will find a way to come to you.

  17. Yeah I do. I don’t necessarily have a particular reason but I do believe if you have the right energy the world will give you that energy back.

  18. No. I believe that if two people are right for each other, they will make a way instead of waiting for things to fall into place. And one can’t do it alone. A relationship takes effort from both parties.

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