i’m sorry if this is in the wrong place, please tell me and i’ll happily move it if so.
Me (18) and my girlfriend (18) broke up after a 1 and a half year relationship because i wanted to focus on education. a few days after that, she told me that she had hid things from me, like friends and where she’s gone (no cheating i think but yk), i understand that i don’t have to know everything, but i’d rather she tell me she has female friends when she’s lesbian.
She told me all that, and literally… 10 minutes ago, i got told by my “best friend” that he and my ex (the one from above), were dating, he liked her for around over a year, and he found the opportunity. it hurts, they were the only 2 people i had who i could actually trust and now that’s just.. gone.
I don’t know what to do, or who to go too, or anything. i have no friends, i always stuck with them two as i trusted them.
if needed, i’ll add an update, but only if it’s important or if i get any more information on it.

  1. I would personally hire someone to light flaming bags of dog sh*t on their door steps for the next couple months

  2. Yikes man, that sucks.

    Technically they’re free to date whomever, but it’s a jerk move by your friend. I’d tell everyone in your friend group what happened.

    When this happened to me, my “friend” made sure I was the last to know, effectively ensuring that everyone heard his side of the story first and it forced me to either hang out with him and my ex or have to find a new friend group.

  3. Although a crappy move for your friend to make, they didn’t actually “steal” her from you. It does sound like they may not have been a true friend to you and I’m sorry you lost that. To give you hope since it sounds like you’re pursuing higher education – you will undoubtedly find friends at your next level of education if you put yourself out there. You’ll meet people with similar interests, goals, and who are also looking for new friends! You won’t be alone forever, spend your time to grieve over this now but don’t let it keep you from enjoying what’s to come

  4. Technically it doesn’t seem like your friend did anything wrong. However, they have proved to you they that aren’t your friend after all. I know it stings, but just cut the both of them out of your life. You are young, you have your whole life to find people worth letting in. Unfortunately we have to learn from bad experiences at times.

  5. Bad news: Your friends aren’t good friends. You should probably not be their friend either. That fucking sucks to learn, but you have now and you need to act accordingly for your own sake.

    Good news: You are 18 and under zero obligation to be around them if you don’t want to. Life is just hitting the actual road for you. Let it lead you literally anywhere that isn’t them.

  6. If I were you, I would ghost these two and completely cut them out of your life. Focus on your studies. Also, if you have hobbies, try meetup.com to meet new people interested in the same activities that you are. I’ve met several people whom I would now consider to be friends and have had fun doing some activities.

  7. Fake friends for sure. Cut them out, you can get better friends for sure. Get rid of them, don’t let them back in. Especially your “best friend”. Even friends I’m not close with wouldn’t swoop in on my ex like that. Wish them well and never look back. Go treat yourself to some ice cream at Bubbles & Puffles, play some video games, listen to an album (I listen to Life is Good by Nas when life is shitty to me), and recoup. You’ll feel the loyalty when you make real friends. Try to go into spaces where you can do your favorite things in a group, or put yourself in groups like that when you go to college. Life will get better, and this time period will mean nothing to you.

  8. He broke the bro code. Fuck that guy. She’s a skank so don’t even trip. Just move on, work on yourself. Try to be somebody when you grow up.

  9. Build yourself up,it’ll take time and effort, but turn yourself into a king. Once you’ve focused on loving yourself, then you’ll have the confidence you need. Don’t be afraid to be alone for a little while. This is only a small bump on your road to success!

  10. cut them both off and don’t trip. she’ll leave him for someone else and you can live your best life

  11. They broke girl code/bro code(?). Friend code. They could at least have the courtesy to tell you. That sucks. Time to start over

  12. Best thing you can do…act like it doesn’t even phase you and live in from her and your best friend. My guess is she’s saying shit to purposely hurt you because she doesn’t know how to simply say she wants you back. True or not…she and your best friend are unworthy of your time. Tell them you are happy for them…they won’t last anyway.

  13. There’s nothing you can do as far as they are concerned. You have to go through the breakup, and deal with the loss of them both. You could look for support groups in your area or online. See if there are clubs to join where you could meet new friends. It’s a shit situation, and I hate it for you.

  14. Another guy friend post, after reading these im convinced that having guy friends will end your relationship

  15. Let it go find another , nothing to worry about like you said take care of your education first u’ll have plenty of time to play later .

  16. It very clear that she broke up with you to be with him and that they were clearly discussing it before you broke up.

    I would tell them both they feel blindsided and betrayed by both of them and need some space, then mute/block them.

    Focus on you and what you want. If you want to let them back in thats your choice, but if it feels like you are being stabbed in heart seeing them together, then keep the space.

  17. get buff, get good grades, save money, and jus do you and in the process of doing you, you’ll attract other people… since you’re buffer, smarter and richer than you were before you will attract hotter people to date and you can hopefully find a more loyal friend.. either way, they will break up. it’s not an if, it’s when. Jus use your time wisely and if you do, time will be your friend and as it passes, you will be presented with better options and better people and you’ll feel differently and realize that you dgaf anymore.. ironically that’s around the time they will both be trying to make their way back into your life having exhausted their limited compatibility together

  18. Well, you broke up with her. Your friend swooped in. I’d be more pissed at him than her.

  19. Well that’s your ex, and that’s not your friend anymore.
    For your next friends, before you consider them as best friend, test if you can trust them randomly obv without showing it

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