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Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Three months ago today I was at our old family house (it’s been ours since it was built 130+ years ago), just a few minutes turning the heating on to avoid frost damage to the plumbing. Afterwards I didn’t visit again as by now a janitor takes care of the building until it’s sold.

    Still feels unreal. I grew up there, and even after I moved out I visited my grandparents and parents twice per week, I don’t think there was ever a longer gap than two weeks where I didn’t enter the house.

    I hope I don’t have to see the house again. It’s good that the last visit wasn’t a goodbye visit, for all the emotions connected.

  2. Very rough spinoff of Sir 🍊Bikini’s prompt yesterday. And to be honest, probably covered in a past DSC edition, but humor me anyway…

    Today’s topic – Bot/Troll/AI Facebook accounts.

    You often get your feed spammed with all sorts of extra-friend network content (I have to explain because only Boomers like me still use FB from what I’ve been led to believe), from outright click bait, to recommended groups to outright ads and tabloid “news”

    Sometimes I see the topic and I think comments section will be 🍿- spoiler alert it’s not, FB is such a cespit these days it’s more depressing than anything.

    I digress, a recurrent thing I see is these accounts, usually a “male” spamming a large number of top level commenters (usually women) with some copy-pasted “may I send you a FB friend request” spiel that I initially stupidly took to be some creeper shit but later decided was some weird bot scheme.

    Well I saw one the other day and clicked on the profile as part of the spiel was “peace and love from Oregon ” and the lengths at which this account was loaded with self-created content, random personal statususes, pictures of the same guy in many situations, the relatively decent English writing and grammar just really freaked me out.

    Thinking like “fuck, if AI is pumping out deep fakes like this then what else is it easily capable of?!” Just a very jarring welcome to the future moment, is the long-and-short of this most long-winded rant.

    What are y’alls thoughts on FB accounts like described above. Even a 1% chance there’s a real guy that matches the one presented on the FB account behind the screen? Or is the AI takeover imminent? Or are all of you interweb agents deep fakes and I’m the only real one, or are we all just playing our part in the matrix? Ahhh * puts down bong and steps away *

  3. I mean, rest in piece Tina Turner. I listened to her solo stuff quite a lot growing up. The Private Dancer album, it’s so good.

  4. How does your “books to be read” list look like at the moment? How do you make your reading priority lists? Do you buy/borrow one book at a time, or are you a serial buyer?

    I stopped buying books a while ago since I noticed that I have so much unread stuff, and by now I am doing pretty good. I think I only have 3-4 unread ones (plus House of Leaves that I simply don’t seem to make any advance on).

  5. I made pita bread yesterday! I had tried to make them once before, and they had just turned out as crispy wheat tortillas. This time, I found a really nice recipe and used my cast iron pan to get a really hot surface. [Here’s one that looks like a cute little butt ](https://imgur.com/a/B5veNIs). Perfect receptacle for homemade falafel and salad. If anyone wants to have a go, 100% recommended. It was a lot of fun to make.

  6. Going to spend the long weekend camping in Utah, and on Friday I’m going to have to take it in turns with another person to drive 8 hours all the way from LA across the Nevada Desert to get there. I’ve never done more than just a bit of city driving before and I’m quite nervous about spending so long behind the wheel on the open road for the first time – I tend to get a bit tired after about an hour and start making mistakes.

    Any tips for first-timers? Everyone has to start somewhere after all.

  7. Quick question.
    How does Schengen work for EU citizens?

    Let’s say a French citizen travels to Spain for fun and stays over 90 days. Are the authorities aware of it somehow? If stopped, can the person just say they entered the country last week even though they’ve been staying 8 months (for example). As a fellow EU citizen I can’t really understand how this works and how these policies are enforced. When I was younger and traveling with friends near the French border, we ended up crossing without even realizing until we read the road signs.

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