TLDR: He went to the strip club 3 times after we discussed me not being okay with it, got a strippers number and kissed a stripper.

Last April 2022 (I was 18) my boyfriend went to the strip club and we had a conversation about it. I told him I thought it was disrespectful and I wasn’t okay with it. He also got a strippers number. Which I was obviously not okay with. Then come April 2023 he goes again. I tell him I wasn’t okay with it, he says he just went because his friends wanted to go and claims all he did was drink and didn’t even talk to anyone. 3 weeks later he goes AGAIN. I find out he talked to a stripper the whole time, both times and it was the same stripper…he also got a lap dance. I ask him over and over was that it because I’ve completely lost all trust in him. Today May 2023 he claims the stripper kissed him while he was there. I don’t know. I’m thinking I should just leave. I feel disrespected and honestly embarrassed. I don’t think there’s a way to fix any of it, I’ve been lied to over and over. He says he just likes the attention or talking to them. I have to literally beg him to have a conversation with me. I’m so close to just being done but I feel like I’m crazy.

  1. I don’t see any reason to stay with him. You two can’t agree on the boundaries of the relationship, the age gap is worrisome, and it doesn’t sound like you are enjoying being with him.

  2. Not only should you leave him, but consider dating people closer to your age/life situation

  3. I’m pretty sure he’s not the last man on earth, so yes, you should leave him.

  4. Yes. Leave him. Absolutely no question. He’s going to keep lying, there is no future here.

  5. What are you even doing with this guy? He’s 6 years older than you, which at your age is a little yuck, especially considering you’re clearly more mature than he is. Stop wasting your time on someone who you cannot trust and who repeatedly shoves it in your face that he does not respect or care about you.

  6. Sounds like he’s running the show here. Not fair to you. Sever the relationship. Spend some time with yourself and Friends and maybe you’ll meet somebody new as a matter of fact I know you will. Use this as a learning experience you’ve got the whole world in front of you! Don’t tie yourself down now while you’re young and regret it later. Time to move on to better . You are worth it! 🙂👍

  7. He’s isolated you from your friends and is treating you badly. Leave. Be sad for a little bit. Then spend time re-establishing your friendships or making new friends and finding someone who treats you well. Life is too short to spend with someone making you miserable (even if you love them).

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