Hi there, I am new to this sub

When I was talking to my best Friend the other day, we talked about double dating as a joke. I am the kind of person to atleast try everything once and am now really interested in having a double date. We are both dudes and know each other since kindergarden, while our girlfriends also are good friends. They both have more datingexperience than I do, so I thought about asking them about this.
The only roadblocker I have in mind is me and my friend. We joke around often and he is Just not a very serious Person at all. I don’t think we would be able to both keep serious for a long time and I don’t want to let the date turn into a split up between me and my friend and our girlfriends.

People who already tried double dating with close friends etc., what are your experiences?

(English is not my mothertongue, so the grammar could still be a little bit messed up, tell me if something is unclear)

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