Fellow Americans, are you working on memorial day?

  1. Yeah. I don’t get holidays off unless I happen to be off that day normally.

  2. Nope. They gave us a half day on Friday too and I’m looking forward to the long weekend.

  3. No, we’re off work that day. Gonna have a picnic with a group of friends.

  4. I have the day off, all the courts and insurance companies are closed so my job is basically useless on Memorial Day.

  5. Yep, and I sell beer for a living, so I will hate every minute of my life that day.

  6. No.

    I work in education and my summer session starts mid June. Except for grading, I’m petty much on break.

  7. I don’t think so, but I will do some work if I need to. I WFH so it’s not a big deal to me one way or another.

  8. No, it’s one of the few holidays we get off. (Doctor’s office)

    The *real* hard workers (service industry) have to work. Good luck, friends, and may the customers be reasonable.

  9. Yup, I’ll be getting 8 hours paid due to the holiday. On top of whatever other hours I do will be double time, so there’s no way I’m going to pass that up.

  10. No, I’m not. I work in a school so we get all the holidays like that off. After that only 3 weeks til summer. Those are going to drag hard.

  11. Yes. I’m a business owner so I gave my staff off and I’ll take care of the neccesseties myself.

  12. I’m on vacation, so I won’t be.

    But usually I do and I get paid double time so I love it.

  13. No, because I have the week off scheduled for vacation.
    Normally I would work and get paid overtime for it.

  14. As a self employed person, I will gladly work if any clients want to schedule on that day, but most do not.

    It’s not the type of holiday that I spend with family, and I don’t know anyone who was killed during active duty in the military. It’s just another day to me.

    My city has an annual event at our military museum, but I never attend.

  15. Yes, I’m an elder caregiver. Weekdays, weekends, and holidays hold no distinction.

  16. Not officially. I’ll wind up using it to catch up on work work or housework anyway, though.

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