Men of Reddit, what makes you self conscious/ insecure ?

  1. Abandonment issues thanks to my father leaving me as a child.

    Oh. Erm. I’m balding…

  2. Fuck it I’ll say it. The size. We all think about it.

    Not saying I wish mine was bigger or smaller. All I’m saying is we all get self conscious about it hahaha. S

  3. There are a lot of really sexy and wealthy guys younger than me out there. My hairline is beginning to recede. I still live with my mom. I don’t have good prospects. And I’ve been cheated on in the past 4 relationships. It feels like I am the problem. I struggle with abandonment and trust.

  4. Not having anyone women be interested in me romantically like how friends get interest

  5. My dad.
    I don’t know why but it’s hard for me to act normally around him.
    I don’t really think he was especially hard on me growing up, but I always get this vague feeling of disapproval.

  6. That regardless of how hard I work to provide for my family, it just never seems enough and every time I think I’ve got something right, there’s someone out there to remind me how little I’ve accomplished and telling me that I’m probably doing so many other things wrong whilst just trying to survive and be happy.

  7. People consider me boring or autistic because I take interest in nerdy stuff

  8. My height. 5’10. All the men in my family except me and 1 cousin are 6′ minimum.

  9. My body. Cliche. I got an auto immune disorder as an adolescent, went undiagnosed and made me gain giga weight. If I catch myself at an odd angle even now that I’ve lost 40 odd KG I whince. Working on it with gym and food but I don’t think I’ll ever be happy.

    “No we don’t need to do a simple blood test that could determine your illness, you just need to bike more.”
    “More than 40km per day?”

    Thanks, doc.

  10. My height. My weight too, I’m a little skinny fat, but this doesn’t make me as insecure as I know I can change it. I worry that even if I get a really good physique my height will still be a turnoff

  11. Talking about height as a way to value someone as a person. Especially when people say “5’7??? Omg so short”. I’m 5 feet tall, and I can’t help it. I don’t want to hang around people who value someone on their looks alone, but it hurts that there’s people out there who wouldn’t even try to know someone or think they’re worthy just because of something so silly like height

  12. I’m 30 and I’ve never had sex or been in a relationship and I feel like I’ve missed out.

    People say “it’ll happen eventually” which is of course true. That’s not the point for me. For me I feel like I’ll never be able to make up for lost time of not having my “fun” phase. I don’t want to be one of those people that ends up just having one sexual partner/relationship their whole life. I want to make mistakes, have stories, etc.

    Easy to say all those things are overrated when you’ve already had those experiences.

  13. Haven’t had a real relationship in 4 years. Haven’t had a date in nearly a year.

    Dating after 35 is a nightmare.

  14. Why do I barely get any chicks if I’m tall, fairly handsome, nice and funny? That unknown yet deeply important flaw is what makes me self conscious as fuck.

  15. I have always had huge insecureties about my thin 5 inch dick.
    So bad that until now with my 33 years i was never ever holding a womans hand without paying for it. Close contacts only with professionals.
    Two months ago i even had an Intervention and paid for an hylauronic acid filler which they injected in my dick so its bigger (not longer) now.

  16. I don’t have many friends but even the ones I do rarely, if ever, hit me up to hang out. Although it’s helped me learn to love myself more and being ok with being alone but still something on my mind alot

  17. Living with my mom & sister AND sleeping on the couch. Drives me insane but I’m trying so hard to get a better job & save up to move later this year. Makes dating pretty hard

  18. A lot. I have massive trust issues and I feel like everything in my life is so far out of my control. I’m just trying to keep doing my daily rituals and habits to keep me grounded.

  19. My teeth, I have a slight overbite. I could get it fixed. Not cheap tho and unfortunately not in the budget right now tho.

  20. It’s pretty minor but at 170 cm when I go outside I’m often reminded I’m quite short for an adult male where I live. It’s not a huge blow to my self confidence but I would be flat out lying if I said I didn’t wish I was like 5+ cm taller instead

  21. Public showers. As a grower not a shower (not a pun) I feel like a false advertisement, but going in there with a raging boner would be weird and hard (not a pun) to maintain.

  22. Being a 30 year old virgin. I’m not bad looking, but have usually just been shy. I’ve also never made out with anyone, so I don’t feel confident about getting physical with someone

  23. The seeming lack of any affirming words or non-sexual physical contact from my wife.

  24. Not being able to grow facial hair, it sucks ass. I’m 25 and I have such a baby face it kills me, still waiting for my time 😭

  25. Girls my age consistently want nothing to do with me yet i have crazy (unintentional) game with women 10-20 years older than me and for some reason gay men. Drives me crazy, im way behind all my friends in terms of experience with romantic/ sexual relationships

  26. My house. It’s literally 594 square feet and I never invite anyone other than my girlfriend over because there’s no fucking room to entertain guests. But hey, it’s mine I guess.

  27. I still wet the bed and need diapers for it so that definitely is top of the list for me and has been most of my life

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