I had terrible childhood experiences with girls and people in general, I had been made fun of, bullied, body shamed and harrased in school by even girls, whicg make me grow up with low confidence and from then I had very less exposure with girls and had only countable conversations with girls, so I’m not able to figure it out how to talk to girls and it’s definitely not same like you talk with boy’s, as talking with boy’s and making Guy friends are easy for me but not vice versa .

  1. You’ve had so few conversations with girls that you can count them, but in the same breath you say it’s definitely not the same as talking to boys.

    Here’s an idea. Stop telling yourself bullshit. Your experiences so far are not numerous enough to extrapolate.

    Girls/women are human people. There’s no magic formula to speaking with them, they’re not aliens. Speak to women the way you’d like to be spoken to.

  2. Per your post history – you are 20yrs old. So because you had some failed connection attempts AS A CHILD…you literally have no exp with women? That’s an excuse – and you gotta stop. No grown adult woman is going to buy that. Why? Because you are an adult letting your childhood exp with little girls mess you up NOW.

    Women are human beings just like you. Thinking you have to talk to us differently- is corny. You don’t. Just try to be normal and talk to us normal.

  3. i’d recommend talking to women you have nothing but platonic interest in, or even no interest at all

    you’ll see quite quickly they are nothing to be scared of, and 95% of your conversation skills with guys works with girls also

  4. Well if i Day its getting better noone would talk to me so here is the fact we all getting older we all got Our Characters and stuff but let me Tell you something nö matter of you are a girl or boy just be an little ass*ole or b*tch sometimes it works sometimes Not but everyone likes Persons who can conter with some words so i Do and the Girls LOVE me for now 😂😂

  5. I just wish I could speak to people in general lol. I struggle to communicate with anyone I’m not extremely comfortable with.

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