I met this girl like 3 days ago,and sudden she asked me if im a virgin just for curiosity ,should i be worried??

  1. If you like her, and are willing to lose it to her, you should be happy. Some girls are into being with a virgin. _Some_

  2. My wife was my first. One our wedding night. The first Tinder date after the divorce immediately pegged me as having only been with one person….it destroyed my confidence. I felt like such a goober…. And so what. The sex was fine. I was better at it then her, and now I’ve had sex with 5 people. So there ya go.

  3. Ask her “are you?”

    Actually, don’t. or you might not lose your virginity any time soon, if you indeed are one.

  4. Tell her yes if your not trying to pretend to be some guy that gets laid every night and parties with hot women everyday

  5. I mean just be honest with her if you are or if you’re not. If you are, you can say “I am, but I learn quick” just to keep her interested. If ir doesn’t work out, then ya know it wasn’t meant to be

  6. That is a crazy question coming from anyone, but especially from someone you just met. It’s just so personal like, it’s none of her business.

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