I have been wanting to start dating for months now and I don’t know where to start. I currently live at home with my parents but I am really independent compared to other autistic people my age. I drive, I have a part time job while in school and I can hold a conversation pretty well once I get into a conversation, but I stutter and process information slowly. I am also on the shy side as well and it takes me awhile for me to fully get comfortable around someone new. Most of the time people don’t know I am autistic until I tell them because of how well I mask it but people do notice that sometime is a little off with me but don’t pinpoint it to autism. Any advice would be appreciated:)

  1. Statistically speaking I’m a relatively high sex drive person. Please keep that in mind when I say: The overwhelming bulk of time in a romantic relationship is indistinguishable from very close friendship. I think most of what people are missing when they feel a keen lack of “romance” is a lack of companionship and intimacy.

    My suggestion is to work on finding people you could develop deep lasting relationships with, and to continually work on being the best possible friend and confidant to them. It’s a lifelong effort to work towards better empathizing, supporting, listening, creating and maintaining healthy boundaries, and so on. Practice with your friends.

    Even if you don’t forge a sexual relationship with them (and generally you shouldn’t ime), having a social network will increase your chances of getting to the stars.. and even if you don’t you’ll still have fantastic company on the moon 🙂

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