At this point it’s making me uncomfortable. Wtf is this girl doing this for? She sits at the other end of the room and just keeps looking and staring at me. And I don’t have the nerve to confront about it.

EDIT: She isn’t a stranger, we both know each other and have shared multiple classes the last two semesters. We talk plenty, which is why I was wondering if I should bring this up.

EDIT 2: Okay I now regret writing that as the title. I am looking for honest advice! Thank you for the few people who have actually done so.

  1. Yeah reading this made me really sad. I’m in the same situation but at work it’s pathetic. Can’t even look back. I need to grow some balls.

  2. Don’t confront, just look right back at her. If she drops her eyes, and does it again a few minutes later, then she’s into you.

    If you aren’t into her, you can just ignore it.

  3. Get a mirror and stare at yourself like you’re a juicy cheeseburger with bacon

  4. She’s into you…if you’re not interested asked her to stop or sit somewhere you can’t see her so she is at your back instead!

  5. Come on Big Mac, gotta look straight back at her for a bit, look away then smile
    You got this

  6. I need a tutorial??!! How can I start looking like a Juicy Cheeseburger?!

  7. Lol this advice im reading. So she must like something about you. Looks, maybe you’re funny, cool outfits whatever. When you catch her eyes, smile at her lightly. Closed mouth smile if that’s not clear. If she smiles back, or looks flustered then she probably has a little crush. Just means you should go have a conversation with her if you like her back. Have fun!

  8. “Hey, how do we know each other? We’ve had class together haven’t we? What’s your name?”

  9. She could be daydreaming. I used to zone out all the time in class, only to realize I was looking in the direction of someone.
    If you feel uncomfortable, tell her to stop.

  10. I had a girl like this in my class and eventually I stared at her back and put my head down in annoyance. She stopped after that. She did it for like almost two semesters.

  11. EDIT: I read OG post completely wrong. I’ve harped on about bullying and just realised that i’ve gone and run with it 😂

    Often the best revenge/ come back is happiness. So next time you’re in class..
    Look up at her, smile (in a genuine way) and mouth “you ok?” with a little nod (as if you’re answering her question) then get back to your thing 👌🏼.

    If this doesn’t work.. when you’re feeling her eyes on you and you’re feeling uncomfortable. Keep reminding yourself over and over how pathetic and dumb she is. Let’s be honest, she’s wasting all of her time and energy trying to make you feel as uncomfortable as possible.
    Honestly, at the age of 29, I still don’t understand the logic behind bullying. Ok yes, they are mini narcissists who crave power and control. But I just can’t get my head around it.

    Just a little something that might help you sympathise with these people…
    Most bullies and overly arrogant “popular people”, peak in school. They hit their peak of success, power and control throughout school and then it’ll seem like they either dissolve like candy floss in a puddle or they get to university/college and nobody will put up with their gross personalities and shit😂

  12. I would just ask her, were you looking at me? Play dumb ask her if she was looking at something behind you. You don’t want to do or say something that will make the situation more awkward. Mention that you saw her look in your direction a few times and let her tell you why.

    If she says I’m interested in you, just tell her you’re not looking for a relationship at the moment.

  13. Having been the hungry girl in the past, I have to agree with other posters that she must be smitten with you. Either she can’t help but look at you because she finds you strikingly attractive (I have been guilty of this) or she can help it, but doesn’t want to stop because she is sending you the message that she thinks you’re attractive and would like to try and see where this flirtation might go(been guilty of this too). There’s a difference – if she can’t help herself then she’s head over heels for you, but if she can help herself but is doing it anyway she just wants you and is letting you know. Either way, do not mistake this for a sign that she might not like you – SHE LIKES YOU. And she is too shy to initiate the next move. Make the next move already- if you’re so inclined. Do not start with “so, I noticed you looking at me”…bc if she’s shy or too proud she’ll shut that right down.

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