I have been out of the dating scene for a little bit for personal growth the last year and a half. I am back on dating apps striking up a conversation and either get left on delivered because I don’t ask them out soon enough or there’s no progress. I’m just curious wether girls like it when a guy will be straight forward and ask them to go out on dates like “Let’s go get drinks (enter day here)” compared to “Hey want to go grab drinks this (day here)?” Would love the input or tips from the dudes

  1. I generally try to ask them out in the first conversation but usually with something really easy for them to turn down and respecting boundaries and whatnot generally “Hey I know it’s real soon, and no pressure but would you want to grab a coffee this weekend, I don’t really feel like I can get to know a person over text and prefer to speak to people face to face”

  2. Beyond demonstrating confidence, which women find attractive, it’s a common sales technique. A little bit of banter to get comfortable, then tell her you’re taking her out.

    “That’s really funny, I can’t wait to hear the rest of the story on our date Thursday.”

    Or ask her if she has plans for the weekend and tell her she has a date – “Actually you have a date on Saturday” or “Busy busy, I guess our date is on Thursday then.”

  3. I am cool with it.

    Girls are all different eh? Some are quite damaged and ultra sensitive eh? Just like some men.

    So better to be yourself n attract the right girl.

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