Me and a friend i’ve known for the past two years have always been a bit passive aggressive with each other since i met her last year. We still got along but we’d always say mean jokes to get on the other’s nerves. A few weeks ago i was driving her home from prom and we spent about 45 minutes chatting at a waffle house.

Ever since that night i’ve had a massive crush on her, and she’s been a lot less passive aggressive. We talk more and have hung out a lot since then.

The two big issues are that i leave for MCRD (Marine Corps Recruit Depot) parris island in about five days. Is there even a point to me telling her how i feel? I want to stay in contact with this girl and send her letters regardless of whether or not i tell her i like her, i value our friendship more than i value my crush.

TLDR: i leave for military boot camp in less than a week and i like this girl, do i tell her?

1 comment
  1. well you can do what countless other people have done…leaving for military service is a big life step, and it would be nice to have someone you can feel a connection with back home.

    ask her if you can keep in touch during that time. perhaps it may come out during that time that the both of you like each other. if it does, then decide if you want to do LDR.

    but with just 5 days left, it’s hard to say if you should confess any feelings.

    on one hand, you don’t want any regrets, by not telling her. but on the other hand, it might turn out to be a regret if she doesn’t reciprocate. that’s the chance you have to take if you want to confess or ask her out for a date before you leave.

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