32 (f) Anyone else who has taken abilify experience an extreme increase in sex drive? I literally can’t get enough. I’ve only been on it about a week and have had to have sex or watch porn multiple times a day since then.. how long does this last cause I’m hoping it stays lol

  1. Call your doctor. This is a rare side effect of Abilify. Let your provider know ASAP.

  2. my wife went on it for a bit because of seasonal depression. she was insatiable. she quit taking it and I was sad.

  3. Nope it did the opposite and usually does the opposite because it’s an antipsychotic

  4. I’ve been on a small dose for years and not noticed a difference one way or the other.

  5. My wife is on it and honestly, it’s a 50/50 with her. Here lately, not so much but she’s also on vralar and Lamictal.

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