So my girlfriend recently went out to the bar a few days ago with her friends and she was out all night because she was going to stay at her friends house. I know while she was there she met someone and they have been talking. She must’ve felt guilty enough to tell me that she thought about cheating, but since then she was keeping him hidden and I found out today they have still been talking. I asked her why she didnt tell me and she just said “i didn’t see why it would matter”. She and her friend got into a fight and her friend told me about her hanging around him for the past few nights and she won’t come clean. What do I do

  1. You break up. Whatever else you do is just a path to being a doormat. Break up, and refuse any further contact.

  2. You simply break up, you would never know the truth had it not been for the friend. She’s still unwilling to compromise at this point and that means she won’t ever. There’s nothing you can do to force her so it’s best to hurt yourself by breaking up vs hurting yourself worse by staying and trying to salvage a dead relationship on your own while she’s actively killing it.

  3. You’re looking for some confirmation as closure. You don’t need it. It’s okay to just break up if the behavior you already experience is something you’re not okay with.

  4. Bruh, you know you don’t have to have watertight case with 3 witnesses, video proof and used condoms with DNA test to break up. right?

    You don’t trust her. you are looking for confession for what? closure? I won’t happen.

  5. Dump her. I got caught cheating and we discussed why it happened and we agreed we both failed each other. I gave my bf the pass to see anyone and he’s been staying later at work and hired someone be fucked back.

    We had sex for the first time in months and his ass was loose and he didn’t cramp. Plus he smelled like motor oil. That’s not how my man smells when I pound it.

    Sure he’s cheating and I plan to ask him to discuss it. I want an open relationship because we’re both bottoms who’ve been dating three years.

    I don’t care if he sees others I don’t wanna fuck everything in sight but I want updates on when he’s coming home.

    Needless to say I’ve already started saving up to move out. The guy he is ducking is dying in two years and his little druggie self been fucking so I plan to get tested too.

  6. Have some self respect bro and break it off. She is an immature little child

  7. Definitely break up, she doesn’t respect you or her friends. Sounds like a selfish person. You are young, go find someone better.

  8. It’s easy – dump her. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship and obviously, she does not deserve your trust. You can do better.

  9. You break up with her that’s what you do.. she will just keep denying unless the guy will tell you.. not worth the headache to keep wondering what’s she’s doing.

  10. Dump her. If you can’t trust her, and you know for a fact that she’s hiding things, lying to you, and sneaking around, you dump her.

  11. You leave. Shes lying and sneaking around after “considering” cheating on you. You staying is u asking to be hurt.

  12. Quit dating her. She doesn’t need to admit it, you just need to stop dating someone you know is cheating.

  13. You really want to do this over and over for the rest of your life? She’s not remorseful, which means she has no intention of stopping. You are way to young to keep wasting your life with her. Cut your losses knowing better women are out there.

  14. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want help and that is you my friend you have all the signs but you won’t grow a spine why ask for advice when you are trying to stay with a cheater

  15. You tell her it’s over that’s what you do. End it. She either will stop doing it to keep you or she won’t.

    Buy you need to have the spine to do it

  16. Well, if you feel you have enough proof tell her it’s over and to enjoy talking to and hanging out with the other guy. The fact that she told you she considered cheating is a big red flag. The fact that she’s continuing to talk to this guy is saying that she either still is considering it and is waiting for a justified time where she can feel innocent about having sex with him or she already has, gave you a half truth and since you bought it, she knows she can continue it

  17. What’s the point of sticking together when the trust isn’t there anymore? Whether or not she comes clean about it, it’s clear you don’t trust her anymore. That should be the closure, not finding out she cheated.

  18. “I know my girlfriend is cheating”…

    What do ***you*** think you should do?

  19. It doesn’t matter if she admits it. What she has already admitted to is plenty of reason to break up: hiding that she was talking to someone she has wanted to cheat on you with. Whether she has technically, physically cheated yet or not, she doesn’t respect you or your relationship

  20. If her friends telling u she’s a real dirtbag probably not the first time. When females are driven to this poi t it’s because the other is so morally fucked they don’t want to be tainted by association. Sucks but don’t hold fast to a sinking ship

  21. I know my ex-gf has been cheating and I left her is the title you’re looking for.

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