please be nice its too early in the morning to not be

but basically i wanna know if anyone else gets nervous when u match on dating apps? idk if its cause im at uni so sometimes i know or recognise a lot of the people but like i get so scared to actually talk to some of the matches sometimes. i think hinge is the worst tbh cause like seeing people on my course match with me is like HUH why and it scares me so how do i get over that

  1. I try and find an opening in their profile to immediately ask them out to an in person meetup like they mention they love sushi, or are a coffee addict. I’ll just throw out an offer then forget I sent it unless they respond.

    For example with my ex she mentioned she loved a good steak on her profile the conversation went a bit like this.

    ME: “So what’s your favorite place in town to get a steak”
    HER: “Oh I love {some place in town} though I don’t get to go often”
    ME: “What do you say to Saturday at 5?”
    HER: “Oh, wow that’s bold, I like it, sure”
    ME: “Well then it’s a date”

    Then we can chat a bit knowing that the difficult part is out of the way and I’ve already shown real interest in meeting in person and I’m not just trying to sit and chat for weeks on end.

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