I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 7 months but we have been seeing each other since June last year. The relationship is good, we communicate and fix any issues as they happen, we are happy.

My bf has a friend from his hometown who I’ve met once at an event before we were dating. She was nice enough and was chatty with her and her boyfriend at the event. Long story short, I realized she blocked me on all social media. I asked my bf if there was something I did wrong. He didn’t know so he asked her and then told me she didn’t really answer why.

I chose to drop it, but see her sending him snapchats every once in a while and he talks to her bf sometimes too. Not everyone has to like me, but I’m kinda uncomfortable she has me blocked for no reason and still talks to my bf. know he would not cheat, and she has a boyfriend.

Do I address this with him again even though it’s not a big deal? He knows it bothers me that she has me blocked. I’m probably never going to see her again anyways.

  1. Yes, you definitely should. It’s not okay that he’s all buddy buddy with this friend that has blocked you for no reason?? That isn’t okay and needs to be worked out. At the end of the day he will need to figure out where his priorities are

  2. I know the obvious first response is “oh, she’s shady. She must be after him. There’s something going on.” But I’m wondering if she’s had problems with some of his exes and this is a preventative measure to avoid drama. I mean, if I was really good friends with a guy and one or more of his past girlfriends had stalked, harassed, or threatened me on social media because they were threatened by our friendship, I might want to block any future girlfriends to prevent having to deal with the same behavior.

  3. There’s definitely something that’s not in your sight… Nobody blocks nobody for no reason. Do you not think she might have a crush on your bf and might have grown a tad bit jealous of you?

    I appreciate your bf for taking it to her without trying to shove it off when you bought it up; he seems to be an honest and straightforward lad.

    If this is nagging you too much, try planning a trip or a double date, where you can get some space to address this with her. I think she’ll like you after getting to know you better and this will fade away.

    Good luck OP! Have a nice day

  4. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t really see why this matters. As long as he is being appropriate and not talking about you and your relationship with her then I don’t see the harm in him having a friend who has you blocked. I’d be more concerned if there was actual animosity between the two of you or she was shit talking you to him.

    They’re both in committed relationships, and it doesn’t sound like you have any reason to distrust your partner.

    But in the end, it’s up to you. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to raise the topic with him again if it truly bothers you this much. Just be careful in how you talk about it to not be controlling about it.

  5. If she senses that you’re the jealous or suspicious type (not that you are), she might just feel a little better knowing that you can’t snoop (not that you were).

    People can’t help but do all kinds of sleuthing sometimes. Also, if they’re particularly good friends (my best friend is a woman) it might be the case that she’s more comfortable not being on the radar at all in case something was said that was misunderstood.

    I don’t get alarms going off yet on this one. Especially since he chats with her BF.

  6. Yeah that’s super weird ,like if she just didn’t like you she would just not have you friended or added .but to straight up block you ….. that’s sus .did your bf show you the text where he actually asked her why? I would mention to him it’s nagging on you bc it doesn’t make sense at all ,and as his friend he should know her better ,does she do this to all his past gf? Lots to think about girl but something isn’t sitting right .
    Lol if it was me I’d make another account and add her to see what’s up .

  7. Why not talk to her ? say hey I was going to add you but noticed I’m blocked and not to cause drama just wanted to make sure I didn’t offend you somehow. There’s no pressure but since you and you bf are friends with mine I wanted to make sure we were in a good place ? Let her explain to you .

  8. I’d mention it makes you feel awkward (not sure if that’s the right word for it) that she has you blocked but seems to want to stay in touch with him. It’s definitely odd behavior imo. What does she want to hide? Is there any reason she’d want you specifically blocked as opposed to just making her profile private? Idk, something just sounds odd to me about it.

    Behind that, just keep an eye on the situation between her and your bf. Personally, I don’t think men/women can be “just friends” long term. At some point someone always catches feelings or wants to at least add some benefits to the friendship. I’ve had some bad experiences though so there’s that.

  9. Why would she block him? They are long time friends. She is not your friend, never was. Not all of your partners friends are going to like you and vice versa.

  10. When my husband and I announced our engagement one of his female friends, who also dated one of husbands friends, burst into tears and was saying “He was supposed to be mine”. My husband said he didn’t have a clue and would of never dated her in the past because of his friend anyway. New gf’s behavior is definitely odd.

  11. The huge red flag for me is that bf said he asked her and “she never really answered why”.

    That’s sus af.

    Him: why did you block my gf?

    Her: look at that squirrel over there?

    Him: hey babe she didn’t really answer me.

    See how implausible that sounds?

    He knows why. He isn’t telling you why.

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