I started to chat with a girl from my university some months ago. Everything was all right but sometimes she didn’t reply for some time. I know that she was really interested in me (she said that to me when i asked her about it). So I didn’t pay much attention for her ignoring me sometimes. But now I’m a little confused as to why she’s been ignoring me for so long even though she’s often online. Approaching and asking “why don’t you answer me” would be very rude and unethical, I think. Have she just lost her interest? Should I stop texting her?

  1. Confrontation or leaving it alone are the only real options here. Personally, I am very upfront so I would ask what her intentions are and if she wants to continue to get to know you. Seems like the best way not to waste any time and I don’t think there’s anything rude about asking. Good luck!

  2. Let her go, she’s not interested. If that changes she’ll come to you. She almost certainly won’t at this point.

  3. If you’ve been texting her in those two weeks and she hasn’t replied to anything, then move on. If last text you sent was two weeks ago, then you can send something neutral, like l “Hey, how you’ve been?” and if no reply, then move on.

    Also, some people can sense when someone gets attached very fast and it can be a deal-breaker.

  4. The older I have gotten the more I have learnt that there is nothing to do at that point. People who are interested will reply or send you a text at some point. If too many days pass by without a reply I just move on. I know it sucks because you can never know when people are going to do that to you but I think it is just what it is. It can happen at any point in a relationship to be honest.

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