Do you like planning them?
Do you like going to them?
How do you overcome the fear of hosting a shower and it being a flop?

  1. Wedding showers aren’t really big in the UK, I’ve never been to one.

    Baby showers still aren’t massive, but definitely getting more popular. My friend threw me one and I’ve arranged one for another friend. Ultimately if you’ve got the people the bride/expecting mother love and want there, you can’t really go wrong. People will make the event, so a failed game or less than amazing food doesn’t really matter. People are there to celebrate, so they will.

    But honestly, I think because I’ve grown up with these things not being big, I do think they are a little…. pointless. Especially a bridal shower. It seems unnecessary when you’re going to have a bunch of other stuff surrounding the wedding.
    Like an engagement party, hen (bachelorette) party, potentially a day for dress shopping yadda yadda. It’s just another thing that’s costing everyone more money and I don’t get the big deal, or what they are actually for? Because I’ve not been to one I don’t know what it’s for, do you gift?

    Baby showers make more sense to me, but I probably wouldn’t have had one of my friend hadn’t insisted.

  2. What are wedding showers?? Are they the same thing as hens nights?

    Love hens nights, hate baby showers cos I’m really not a fan of babies and kids

  3. They’re so boring and I don’t like that I’m expected to give multiple wedding gifts just because I’m a woman

  4. I hate both. I’m in the US. I’ve decided to stop doing them. I’ve been to a few for my closest friends and that’s it. I hate that we live in a culture where weddings and babies are the only things we celebrate as women. Why am I buying an expensive gift for a couple for their house when they are likely already living together and have everything they need? And then I have to get another gift for the wedding? No. And why would I buy you a baby gift when you chose to have a baby and pre planned everything. Again no. Even bigger no if I’m not even close with the person, or worse, a coworker and someone’s organized an office shower. Meanwhile all of my accomplishments, success, aspirations, go by with anyone noticing or caring. And the games at baby showers are ridiculously lame.

  5. I’m not really sure what a wedding shower is, and I’ve never been to a baby shower.

    I guess at the end of the day, it’s a party to celebrate your friend and give them supplies they will need in the future, so I think I would enjoy going to one, but planning one sounds kind of stressful.

  6. Wedding showers have been blowing over more from the States, but still not terribly popular here in the Netherlands. More of a thing in bigger cities like Amsterdam, but on the whole I think we remain more of a courthouse wedding culture. I prefer it that way.

    Baby showers are a bit more common. They’re ok I guess, but it’s weird that they’re gendered.

  7. Depends on the couple, but I love weddings. Planning them? fck no! Going to them? Hell yeah. Baby showers depend on if they’re on baby #1 or baby #5. After baby #2 I don’t want to be there. If you’re planning one then start with a budget and try to stick to it, that’s the only way I feel.

  8. Not a thing where I live. Some people do them cause they saw videos online… but let me tell you, I’ve been to 2 lame ass baby showers, I’m not attending one more.

  9. I’ve hit my lifetime quota of them. I don’t even want to get married because I don’t want to go to any of the events.

    Like seriously… I think if I ever were to get married, I’d just go to the courthouse and get it done.

  10. I used to love them – but they have become major productions with outrageously expensive gift demands. I attend fewer and fewer.

  11. I don’t mind them. I’ll attend them but I don’t like playing some of the games like the clothes pin one.

    What I absolutely can’t stand is a gender reveal party because they seem so pointless especially if you’re going to have a baby shower later on.

  12. I’m from a European country where baby showers are a total no-go. It’s considered bad luck to celebrate a birth/baby before it has taken place/the baby has been born. It’s like playing with and challenging destiny. Also, most people celebrate the child after birth, so why have 2 parties? Seems over the top.

  13. I’m from a European country where baby showers are a total no-go. It’s considered bad luck to celebrate a birth/baby before it has taken place/the baby has been born. It’s like playing with and challenging destiny. Also, most people celebrate the child after birth, so why have 2 parties? Seems over the top.

  14. In my country, we don’t have baby showers, the couple just sends a card to family and friends once the baby is born (usually with a picture of the baby, name, birth weight and stuff like that). I think that’s much more practical, I’ve never understood the concept of baby showers. Like, if I was pregnant, I wouldn’t want to throw a huge party and have a lot of stress.

    I do understand the point of wedding parties though. It’s a big occasion, and it would be weird not to have at least a small celebration. I usually like going, but only if it’s not very over the top with way too much program. I want to enjoy the occasion, not feel stressed.

  15. No. Why should other people give me things because I’ve decided to get married/have a baby? Why should I give other people things because they’ve decided to do those things. Invite me to the wedding, and I’ll come see the baby once they’re born and we’ll celebrate then.

  16. Not a big fan of either I can understand baby showers because baby’s need things. I’m not saying a couple that are getting married don’t. But being a wedding guest is expensive the outfit, potential accommodation, wedding gift e.t.c

  17. It makes me cringe that people would invite people to a party specifically for the purpose of bringing gifts, it just seems really tacky and egotistical. But those kind of things are not traditional where I’m from England). I think baby showers are starting to become more popular here now though, presumably influenced by the US. They just make me cringe every time I see them.

  18. Ugghhhh I have to go to a baby shower AND a wedding this summer. (I understand I don’t HAVE to, but I want to support my friends.)

    The baby shower is going to suuuuuck. The wedding is going to be so boring, but hopefully the reception will be fun.

  19. I hate them and especially all the dumb “games” that are supposed to happen.

  20. I’ve always enjoyed them. I wouldn’t be nervous if I was you; expectations are generally not too high. You can get ideas for games online, and refreshments are generally very simple. Some of the more fun baby showers I’ve been to have included both men and women.

  21. I’ve only been to a baby shower a few months ago and really enjoyed it. It was the first one I’ve been to and there was some fun baby-related games, that were nice and creative and I loved the food that was served

  22. Hate them both. No matter how much I care about the person. I hate the social aspect of them, the rules, dress codes, photos etc.

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