As a British person I am interested in how Americans think foreign people currently view the United States.

  1. How we think? You guys make a point to tell us constantly lmao

    Always looked down on for the bad and never credited for the good

  2. Don’t know, don’t care.

    Which is why a lot of the world doesn’t like us. We *really* don’t care about why the world doesn’t like us.

  3. I travel a lot internationally in part because I have a global job – I’m American but people in EMEA and APAC report to me.

    My sense in conversations with my foreign colleagues is that there’s a sort of amusement towards the U.S. But they also acknowledge that the vast majority of our revenue involves U.S. operations.

    My sense more generally is that people seem to enjoy hating on America as much as possible, yet also want America to solve every issue between and within countries foreign to us. The “World Police” argument has some truth.

    So I assume most non-Americans have a bit of love-hate for it.

  4. It’s amazing the number of people who revel whenever something bad happens in America, look for any excuse look down on us, and seem to salivate at the idea of our destruction.

    Just look at all the Europeans who were babbling about America collapsing into civil war a few years ago.

  5. Generally either really negatively or really positively, with not a lot in between lol. It doesn’t matter to me because it’s not like there’s anything I can do about it.

    I doubt anyone ‘wonders’ though. The US doesn’t seem to be something that anyone just quietly has an opinion about. It’s pretty difficult to have no idea how other countries feel about us.

  6. Well we know what the British think because they don’t shut up about it lol

  7. Those that live on Reddit hate us, the people in real life typically don’t care, though quite a few countries are absurdly fond of the US.

  8. I don’t really have to think. Some people seem to know more about the US than they do their own country

  9. We’re apparently uncultured, loud, stupid, obese, zealous, greedy terrorists and we deserve nothing but suffering and hardship and should all be whipped publicly for ruining everything in the world while still fulfilling all our mutual aid and defense treaties and commit to even more initiatives to develop other nations.

  10. Perceived incorrectly due to the insane amounts of propaganda they are fed.

    Not long ago a european redditor posted here that he found out a ton of the things he learned in school about the US were straight up lies to makes it look bad. For example he was taught the US dropped the nukes on Japan *after* the war was over just to show dominance.

  11. I think for a lot of folks around the world see the US as world’s punching bag that many like to dump on for <insert reason here>, and they think it’s OK to to that because they are punching up.

  12. I worked hard this week, but it’s a good job. I enjoy it and it pays well.

    I’m sitting on my patio right now by a fire, relaxing. Big comfortable house. Pool is nearby, but it’s a bit too early in the year to swim. I grilled a nice steak for dinner and am now just enjoying a drink with my girlfriend. Maybe twist off twist up secret creatures tonight.

    This weekend we’ll head up to my friend’s lake house for a long weekend.

    My life is good here. Why would I spend a minute wondering what people from other countries think?

  13. “As a European” I’m sure you can guess what generally follows after that statement.

  14. Mostly negative. It’s weird because Americans typically view other countries very positively. It’s sad the feeling isn’t mutual.

  15. You all unironically hate our guts, and we are constantly reminded of this on every platform on the internet.

  16. That’s a tough quesiton to answer, but these are Just my guesses based on places I’ve been and the way people responded to me as a tourist. All in the past 10 years. I’m of mixed race so that might help or hurt me in some of these places.

    Japan – pretty decent for the most part. They can think we are too outgoing and noisy at times.

    Australia – decent enough though it can vary a bit from person to person.

    England – Mostly people were huge assholes to me here. I’m going to have to assume they don’t like us or it was my mixed race.

    Canada – pretty decent. they seem friendly and view us as friends.

    China – it varies, but generally decent, but this was pre covid.

    Philippines – they seem to like us a lot over there for the most part. Of course they like the business so it can be hard to tell.

    India – people were friendly to me for the most part. I didn’t get any hostile vibes.

    Turkey – I got a lot of hostile vibes here. It’s probably the most anti american vibes I’ve felt besides the UK.

    Thailand – very friendly to me there. Nothing but good vibes.

    Bali (indo) – generally friendly but you can tell some of them hate you

    Spain – generally friendly

    German – very friendly and seemed to have good vibes everywhere I went. Way more friendly to Americans than I was thinkiing.

    France – generally friendly but it did vary widely from person to person.

    Scotland – people were generally friendly to me there.

    Ireland – same as Scotland

    Portugal – generally friendly and curious

    Mexico – friendly and seemed to love the business at the least

    Brazil – super friendly but that was at least 10 years ago

    Argentina – quite friendly

    Chile – friendly and outgoing

    Panama – friendly and outgoing

    South Korea – people were nice and helpful

    Basically – the only place I’ve experienced legit hostile vibes was in the England, Turkey and occasionally Bali. Everywhere else in the world people have been pretty friendly and nice to me when they found out I was an American. It’s really hard to stereotype what an entire country thinks about Americans, but these were my impressions based on being an American traveling abroad. And of course, everyone experiences different things when they go places. My brother thinks UK people are the coolest in the world and has only had great experiences there. I can’t speak to that, but I can say that when I went it was tough times and experienced marked rudeness just about everywhere I went.

    Edit: oops. Stupid American here. I put UK instead of England…

  17. As I understand it, we have no culture and insist on exporting our culture to everyone. We are all obese and obsessed with exercise. We’re hyperviolent and too militaristic and should act like the police for the world. We’re all terrible racists and, “oh, by the way, would you mind housing this ethnic minority that’s being persecuted in its homeland?” We’ve got the worst health care system in the world, and “can I make an appointment to see a doctor over there?”

  18. I have lived in the UK and I visit often. They ask me about guns and crime. I think they are unaware of how big the US is, not from the perspective of a map but literally how big we are. The last couple of times I was there I feel I was slagged off because I was American but whatever.

  19. As others have said, we don’t need to wonder – it’s all made very clear.

    Like, the amount of times Americans are brought up in conversations that have nothing to do with Americans is pretty staggering.

  20. Y’all really have no idea what makes us successful.

    We are happy and hopeful you never do.

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