I(16f), bf(16m)

I feel like Im the one mostly saying how much I appreciate my bf, love him, etc., like I’ll send long paragraphs because I just want to let him know that he makes me feel happy and that I love him, things like that. I sometimes at least expect him to say something back too, on how he feels about me but I feel like I don’t get that back.

Whenever I tell him how far I’ve been clean for, let’s say 4 days for example, he says that he’s proud of me and that he loves me. I really appreciate that and I let him know as well. But I feel like the only times he says that is when I tell him my clean streak or whenever I ask him if he’s losing feelings, is he happy in our relationship, etc.

He used to say what I usually say to him around the first few months of our relationship. We’re gonna be 7 months in June. I always think and feel that he’s probably losing interest and I ask him but he says he’s not and he tells me how much he loves me, etc. I feel at ease but then I ask and ask.

I know it could be me just over thinking and all but still. I just wish he could say those things back and often like I do. I know you said that communication is keyyyyy and I know that, I’m just worried that I’d hurt his feelings or jeperdise (idk how to spell that😭😭) our relationship.

But at the same time I know that relationships have ups and downs and I can be aware of people’s feelings but I can’t walk on egg shells on everybody and that communicating really IS key.

Like don’t get me wrong,I love him and all but sometimes I feel unappreciated and I tell him but I don’t actually give him the real reason why. I know I should talk to him about it but at the same time I’m unsure of what to do and im a bit hesitant.

  1. He may not know that his actions are unrepresentative of what he feels so by telling him that and making him aware, you’d be at least showing from your side you feel a bit in appreciated.

    If he doesn’t know then he’s going to continue to do what he does thinking that your happy with it! Communication is key so let him know whenever your comfortable

  2. Are you saying those nice things to your BF because you mean it or because you want to hear the same things back to you??

    Either way, just tell your BF you want to hear him say these things to you and tell him why. If he understands/knows why… he’ll happily do it for you. He can’t do something he doesn’t know he should nor understand right? And you shouldn’t expect anybody (not limited to your BF) to just read your mind when you can’t read minds either.

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