How to lose love handles? I’ve not been working out but my body is fine I’m not even chubby but I’ve the worst love handles ever I need to lose them please help

  1. Move more, eat less.

    What you need is to burn more calories a day Than you bring in. Its really that simple. It doesnt matter what excercises youre doing As long As youre doing them. And it matters little what you eat As long As you keep your calories low.

  2. Love handles are amongst the first regions to gain and last regions to lose fat for a man to lose fat, so keep that in mind. Dropping testosterone with age (from 25 onwards) does not exactly help with that tendency :’D

  3. Well it seems like that’s the place your body prefers to put on fat. There is no real way to target fat loss no matter what all those “fitness influencers” with million of followers tell you. The only way is to be burning more calories than you eat. Try drinking a good amount of water. That way you’ll feel more full and won’t feel the need to eat as much.

  4. the same way you lose fat from anywhere else in your body.

    Lose weight, by eating less calories and moving more.

  5. This is my trigger. I cannot fucking believe that we as a society don’t teach kids about basic information about their bodies. about nutrition, diet, calories, etc.

    it’s insane. it’s not like it’s some niche problem. it’s literally the top 10 causes of death

    No one. Not a single adult. Should have any doubt about *how* to lose weight.

  6. Caloric deficit is always the answer. Unfortunately localized fat loss doesn’t exist. Where fat is stored is partially genetic, some bodies have a predilection for love handles, others legs, some others belly.

  7. Add muscle, lose fat.

    There is no quick fix, and your love handles may be the last to go.

    You cannot target a specific body part for fat loss like that. Unless you’re doing liposuction, of course.

  8. Check out athleanx videos on love handles. You’ll need a pull up bar to do the workout. However, unless you reduce overall fat, belly fat and love handles won’t go

  9. You cannot spot reduce fat, you need to weight cut down to like 11% BF to truly lose them and then they will stay off until you get fat again.

  10. Do a one minute plank in the morning and another sometime after dinner. Within a month you will notice a difference. It works. If you can do longer, good. Perhaps start at 30 seconds for a week and then build up to a minute or two. Helps your abs, butt, thighs, lower back.

    Obviously watch your diet. Good luck to you.

  11. Lift weights to bulk up your shoulders, arms and lats/traps. The larger size in the upper body will make you love handles look smaller.

  12. Everyone recommending you focus on nutrition is correct. Caloric deficit is the only way to lose weight.

    I’d also add that while spot reduction isn’t real, the illusion of spot reduction is very real. In other words, exercising and gaining muscle will make “love handles” appear far less prevalent. Somebody with a muscular back (and more specifically big lats) will appear to have less fat around their waist because of the size of the surrounding muscles.

  13. Love handles are fat.

    And you can’t “train” away fat, in an exercise,

    It’s a function of diet, similar to abs. (Use more calories than you intake).

  14. As others have said, there is no way to target reducing fat through diet. There are other options. Surgery can work, and there is some evidence ‘cool-sculpting’ can help (not as well as surgery though). That said, fat deposits tend to be more visible when there isn’t a lot of muscle in the area so it can help the appearance of the area if you build muscle there. Things like Hip Thrusts and Planking can help with that, and I recommend doing that while calorie reducing to lose the fat (I mean, do you Really want to lose the ‘love handles’ to reveal… your spine?)

  15. Workout, eat high protein and lots of veggies, cut back on carbs, reduce sweets to almost none not including fruits obviously.

    Its discipline but very achievable if you really want it

  16. No such thing as targeted fat loss. So nothing you can do but workout and eat calorie deficit diet to lose weight.

  17. The body deposits fat where its easiest to carry. So, it doesn’t have anything to do with the muscles in that area. Just keep up a logical combination of exercise and diet to reduce your calorie surplus. Consistency is the key. Your body will conform to what the standard operating conditions are.

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