Me and the lads were talking about this – we agreed we’re a lot louder as we age. Wondering if others have noticed this.

  1. Yep. It’s mostly about being comfortable with it. As a youth living with my parents, I had to be silent. Took a while to get out of that habit.

  2. I decided to be loud as soon as an old partner told me it turned her on. I think it just takes a little time for dudes to hear that and not be so self conscious

  3. No, I was louder when I was younger. But then the batteries ran out on my karaoke machine.

  4. My husband is 8 years older than I am and he has definitely gotten louder as he’s gotten older. It’s sexy as hell.

  5. Definitely louder as I have aged. Can’t explain why. Maybe because I really don’t care if I am at a hotel and people can hear me. Also, being an empty nester may be the reason because I no longer have to be “quiet”

  6. When my kids are dead asleep or at the grandparents house 😂 💯💪

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