Me and my girlfriend enjoy sex regardless of orgasm, but I do really want to get her there.

Recently, we were having sex and she felt a strong sensation but I felt my body giving in and ready to burst. This is after having masturbated earlier to try to last longer. Even then, it feels like I can’t keep going without breaking pace which eventually makes it harder for either of us to orgasm

How can I improve my ability to last longer without hindering my or my girlfriends enjoyment of sex?

  1. Get used to the idea that once you start fucking it’s perfectly OK to stop and take a break! If you feel like you’re gonna pop just stop and say “I need a break for a second because you feel so good and I don’t wanna cum yet.” Just about everybody I’ve said this to takes it as a compliment cus duh, who wouldn’t wanna hear that their pussy feels like magic?

    So just pull out, let her know why and go on down to chow down town for a while and keep her feeling good while you tell your dick to chill TF out, think about your grandma or something, but watch out cus you might suddenly imagine your grandma doing reverse cowgirl and if that keeps you ready to cum then you got bigger problems.

  2. For starters, try not to focus so much on stamina. There’s nothing worse than anxious sex. Second, do you just have sex the one time and then that’s it? Because, you know, there’s round 2…and 3 and so on. A lot of people tend to last longer in subsequent sessions.

    There are other ways to help your partner achieve orgasm. Even if you finish and she does not through PIV, are you taking the time to explore her physically in other ways?

    Lastly, *pace yourself*. You make it sound like you’re running a marathon or something. It’s ok to slow down or even stop completely for a bit and then resume.

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