I know this is kind of stupid and probably sounds entitled but I’m annoyed that I only get attention from married girls/girls who already have a boyfriend. It feels frustrating that actual single girls won’t give me any hints. Obviously I’m not going to hit on married girls so I just wanted to ask: can anyone echo this sentiment and share some wisdom?

I know I’m talking to a brick wall but why won’t single girls be more straightforward?

Disregard my post if you think I’m being entitled, but this has gotten to a point where I’m actually frustrated.

**Note**: Sorry if I don’t reply immediately. I’m posting this right before going to bed and will reply first thing in the morning.

  1. The ‘taken’ women are being friendly because they know it won’t be misinterpreted. The single ones likely don’t want to appear friendly because they don’t want you to think they’re hitting on you.

  2. a lot of relationships these days tend to happen only because the girls are putting in the “courting” effort. Single girls tend to stay single (in regards to those who actually want relationships) because they go about starting relationships differently and probably aren’t as straight forward as those who are already in relationships. Also a reason these girls are never single and can jump for relationship to relationship while some girls forever remain solo. It’s like a dating formula they’ve worked out. The single girls are more likely to rely on the guy to do the approaching work which I think is your problem. If you wanna get attention from actual single ladies you need to go after it. the girls that dish out this kind of attention and straight forwardness have already got what they want, a relationship, because the men before you have already taken that opportunity of not having to pull their weight.
    Also I think you need to specify what kind of attention?

  3. Pay attention to yourself. I’m married and stuff but am 100% more comfortable and charming (I’d rate myself a 5 at my best) around women who are off limits. But when I was single and she was single I’d have a different vibe. I was less loose and that lead to poor results.

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