Do you think Michael B. Jordan is really hot? Why or why not?

  1. He’s attractive looking, wouldn’t say that consider him “really hot” though

  2. Not so much these days haha when he was winning all of those championships in the 90’s he was super hot

  3. Really hot? Like the hottest man on planet earth? No.

    Is he attractive and good looking? Yes.

  4. Not in the slightest. Not my type physically and I don’t find athletes attractive anyway.

  5. He’s a pretty attractive man, sure. His facial features are pleasant and he has obviously worked hard to make his body worth directors ordering his shirt off.

    Eta: I also heard that he bought a retainer to replace the one a young female fan bit through admiring him in a movie (might have been Black Panther) which indicates he is a nice person, or at least someone with a sense of humour

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